Create Booking/Quote

In this Article

This article will describe the steps required to create a new Booking or Quote.

Note :

A new Booking or Quote needs to be created in order to get a shipment registered with a carrier. This provides a tracking number so that the shipment can be traced and located in need. Moreover, this step allows to assign label and schedule a pickup needed.


Go to Application Selector > Freight > Booking/Quote. The following screen will appear.

Select the New Booking button to begin a new shipment process.

The New Booking page will be displayed next.

Use this screen to add Tags to your booking/quote, select workflow for the shipment, extract Audit logs, configure the Booking timeline or add relevant Notes as shown.

Fill in the following details to create a new booking or quote.

  • Shipment Type: Select the Shipment Type for a booking or quote using the dropdown icon on the far right of the section.

  • Planning: Select the Planning for a booking or quote.
  • Route: Select the Route for a booking or quote.
  • References: Enter the References for a booking or quote.
  • Parties: Select the Parties associated for a booking or quote.
  • Additional Parties: Select the Additional Parties for a booking or quote.
  • Goods: Select or add the Goods for a booking or quote.
  • Rates: Select or add the Rates for a booking or quote
  • Voyage: Select or add the Voyage for a booking or quote
  • Charges: Select or add the Charges for a booking or quote
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