Adding Documents to a Quote or Booking
In This Article
We will cover how to add documents to a quote ot booking.
To add a document, you need to be in a Quote or Booking screen. From inside the Quote or Booking screen, scroll down until you see the Document section:
Adding (Generating) a Document
- Click on the Add Document button.
- The list of available documents will appear. Select the Document you want to add by clicking on the document in the list.
You will see 2 types of documents in the list. The documents with the blue badge are documents that are in the document Template library. These documents can be maintained and modified in Control Panel > Customization > Document Templates. You can also add your own documents in Document Templates. There is a separate article describing how to use this function: "Creating Document Templates".
The other document type does not have a blue badge. These are documents generated by the system. The Document Template function does not have the capability to print the same form on each page, so these documents will remain as system documents for now.
Entering Comments and Additional data for a Document
- After selecting the Document, a panel will open and you can enter Comments to print on the document. Click on the Comments icon in the upper right corner of the section to add pre-defined comments:
- You also have 2 options to generate the document:
- Add Document - this will generate the document, add it to the Booking Document section, and return you to the Booking.
- Preview - This option will allow you to preview the document in a Google Docs editor before you generate it.
- Some documents have more than just comments in the pop-up panel. They also have additional data. One example is the Bill of Lading document. It contains additional fields as shown below:
Previewing the Document
When you select the document from the list, a preview page will appear:
- The document will be generated in a Google Docs format. You can have all of the Google Docs features available on this page. You can edit the document format or contents .
- To cancel and return to the Booking, press the Back arrow in thee upper left corner of the page.
- To generate the PDF document and add it to the Booking, press the Add File button in the upper right corner of the page..
- To download a PDF of the document from this page, press the Download icon (Cloud with down arrow) in the upper right corner of the page.
Document Display in the Quote or Booking
- Once added the document to the Booking, a Tile for the Document will be displayed in the Documents section:
The genrated Document Tile has the following actions and information:
Viewing Document History
- To view more detailed information about the Document, Click on the More Options Icon ( . . ):
- A drawer will slide open and show the following information:
- Client - The Client for the document.
- Document Category - The type of document (Booking Confirmation, Pickup Order, House Bill of Lading, Arrival Notice, Freight Invoice, etc.)
- Document Status - If it has been sent by email or not.
- Date Created - when the document was created.
- Last modified - The last date the document was modified.
- User - the user that last modified the document.
- Document Log - The log of activity for the document.
Uploading Documents
You can upload documents from your computer drive into a quote or booking.
- Click on the Upload button in the Documents section.
- You can either click in the dotted box and select a document from your computer folders or drag and drop a document from your computer folder into the dotted box. Once you have completed this process, press the Upload button.
- The document you selected to upload will appear in the bottom left corner of the panel. You will also have 2 new fields available:
- Comments - You can enter comments about the document (Optional).
- Type - You can select the type of document you are uploading (Required).
- The Delete icon will remove the selected document and allow you to re-select a different document (you will remain in the same panel).
- The Cancel link at the bottom right of the panel, will cancel the upload and return you to the Booking screen.
- The Upload link at the bottom right of the panel will upload the selecteed document into the Booking.
- The uploaded document tile will appear in your Document section:
The uploaded Document Tile has the following actions and information:
Filtering Documents in the Documents Section
You can filter documents in teh Documents Section using the filters in the top right part of the panel:
- All - Displays all documents (both generated in the booking and uploaded to the booking).
- Generated - Displays only documents generated in the booking.
- Uploaded - Displays only uploaded documents.