Selecting the Type of Shipment in a Quote or Booking

In this Article

This article will explain how to select the Shipment Type (type of shipment), direction of shipment, and shipment options in a quote or booking.


Before you can select the Shipment Type in a quote or booking, you must first create a new quote or booking or edit an existing one. Once in a Quote or Booking, the Shipment Type section will be near the top of the page:



There are 6 main actions that you can take in the Shipment Type section:

  • Select the Shipment Type (Ocean-FCL/LCL, Air-ULD/Palletized, Truck-FTL/LTL/Drayage)
  • Select the Shipment Direction (Export, Import, Domestic).
  • Select the Incoterms for the shipment
  • Select Shipment Options, such as Coload, Routed, AES required, etc.
  • Select if the shipment charges and costs should default to Prepaid or Collect.
  • Select the default Bill To party.

Selecting the Shipment Type

  • Click on the Show List Icon in the Shipment Type image box:

  • The list of Shipment Types will be displayed. Click on the Shipment type to select it for your quote or booking:


You can change the Shipment Type in a Quote or Booking as long as it is in a Draft state. If the quote or booking is in Draft state, a message will appear as shown below:

Once you press the Create Quote or Create Booking button at the bottom of the page:

Then the Quote or Booking will no longer be in a Draft state and a quote or booking number will be assigned. Once this happens, you can no longer change the Shipment Type for that quote or booking. The Shipment Type will be locked.

Selecting the Shipment Direction

  • Click on the Shipment Direction button to select the direction of the shipment:

Selecting Incoterms

  • Click on the Incoterm box to open tthe list of incoterms.

Selecting Shipment Options


Shipment Options are configurable in the Control Panel. You can remove options you do not use and add your own options. These options can be used in workflow, automation, and reporting.

  • Click on the checkboxes to select additional shipment options:

    • Coload - indicates that the shipment will be co-loaded with a (or another) NVOCC.
    • Routed - indicates this shipment was initiated by an overseas forwarding agent.
    • AES Filing Required - indicates the shipment needs the AES filed by the forwarder or NVOCC. If the rates are being used, then the AES charge will automatically be added to the charges section when the checkbox is checked, and will be removed if unchecked.
    • Direct Consignment - indicates that the shipment will be directly sent from the shipper to the consignee.
    • Insurance Needed - indicates that the shipment needs insurance coverage. If you check this checkbox, then you will be prompted to enter some additional fields:

      • Value of Goods - Enter the value of the goods.
      • Percentage of Insurance Charge - Enter the percentage of the value of goods that the insurance charge will be.
      • Insurance Charge Amount - The amount of the insurance charge will automatically calculate. (You will still need to add the charge to your Charges section unless you construct an automation rule to do that automatically).

Selecting Prepaid/Collect defaults for Charges and Costs

  • You will find the Prepaid/Collect settings for the shipment in the Billing Options section. There is a separate indicator for Charges and Costs.


Prepaid indicates the charges will be paid by the shipper or forwarder prior to the vessel departure.

Selecting the default Bill To Party

  • You can select a Bill To Party for Prepaid charges and a separate Bill To Party for Collect charges.


Prepaid charges indicate the charges will be paid prior to shipment departure by the shipper or forwarder (acting as an agent of the shipper) and Collect charges are charges paid after arrival of the shipment by the Consignee or Agent (acting on behalf of the consignee).

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