Features of the Booking Search Screen
In this Article
This article will describe the features available on the Booking Search Screen.
Go to Application Selector > Freight > Booking or Quote. The following screen will appear.
The following features are available on the Booking Search screen:
- Filter and search for Bookings using any field(s) .
- Name and save filters for repeated use and configure a default filter for your user profile.
- Download the filtered list of bookings to an excel file.
- Open/Edit an existing Booking.
- Copy an existing Booking
- Delete a Booking
- Create New Bookings
- Configure columns to display on the screen, name and save the configuration, and set a default for column display for your user profile.
Filtering and Searching for Bookings
The Filter section can be found in the top left area of the Bookings Search screen.
- The Booking No filter will be enabled by default. You can search for a specific Booking by entering the Booking No or part of the booking No and the system will display all matching bookings.
The Booking No in Logiware is the internal Booking ID. The Carrier Booking Number is the booking from the shipment carrier.
- The + More icon allows you to add additional filters to the screen. You can use the Search field at the top to search for fields by name or scroll through the list and check the fields you want to search by.
- The fields you select will be added to the filter list at the top of the screen:
- Click on the filter field to make your selection. The list will show all of the existing data options for that field and the number of bookings that occur for each each selection option. You can use the search field at the top to filter the selection options.
- You can add as many filters as you like by clicking on the + More icon.
- Once you have added the filters and selected the data for each filter, a Save icon will appear:
- Click on the Save icon if you want to save the filter for later use.
- You can enter a Name and Description for the filter.
- The Public toggle if clicked to Green, will allow other users to also use the filter. If the Public toggle is left on Red, then only your user profile will be able to see and use the filter.
- The Set as Default toggle will makle this filter your default filter for the search screen, and when you access the screen, the filter will automatically execute.
Downloading the List of Bookings to Excel
- To download the list of bookings to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Download icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Opening an existing Booking
- To open an existing booking, simply click on the Booking ID or the Open icon in the Action column:
Copying a Booking
- To copy a booking, click on the Copy icon in the Action column:
Deleting a Booking
- To Delete a booking, click on the Delete icon in the Action column:
Creating a New Booking
- To create a new booking, click on the New Booking button:
Selecting Column Views on the Booking Search Screen
- To select a Column View , click on the Column Configuration icon at the top, right side of the table.
- A panel will open. At the top of the panel, under the Table Views heading, the system will display the current view or column configuration for the display table.
- You can change the view by clicking on the View All link. This will display all of the saved Views. Your private Views will appear with a padlock, indicating only you can see and use this View. Pubic Views will appear with a blue "group of people" icon, indicating it is publicly available to all users. To view only public or private Views, you can click on the Public and Private tabs at the top of the panel. The system will default to showing both (All).
Customizing the columns on the Booking Search screen
- To customize the columns on the booking screen, click on the Column Configuration icon in the upper right part of the display table:
- A panel will open. Click on the Customize link.
- You can search by column name in the Search field or scroll through the list.
- Select the columns you want to add to the table display.
- If you want to Save the Column Table View, then click on the SAVE button.
- Another panel will appear and you can enter the Name and Description of the View.
- The Public toggle if clicked to Green, will allow other users to also use the View. If the Public toggle is left on Red, then only your user profile will be able to see and use the View.
- The Set as Default toggle will makle this View your default View for the search screen, and when you access the screen, the View will automatically execute.
You don't have to save the view. If you just want to add a few columns to your current display, then just click on the Customize, select the columns, and they will be added to your display. It is not necessary to Save unless you want ot reuse the column view later.