Adding Voyage Details to a Booking

In this Article

This article describes the fields in the Voyage section of a Booking.


Voyage details can be entered into a booking in three ways:

  • Manually entered by the user. This will be the case when you call or email the carrier to make a booking. The carrier will provide you with the booking voyage details, and you can enter them into the Voyage section.
  • Electronically filled in by EDI from the carrier. You may use the Integrations section to send a bookong request to the carrier, and the carrier's system will send back a booking confirmation with the voyage details included. These details will automatically load into the Voyage section.
  • Loaded from Rate selection. If you are using Voyages as part of your Rates, then when you select a rate, the voyage details will automatically load into the Voyage section. This applies to both LCL and FCL.
    • Voyages for LCL are stup in the Voyage Schedule page.
    • Voyages for FCL are part of the INTTRA or Carrier Integrations.


To enter Voyage details, you need to be on the Booking screen. Scroll down the page until you see the Voyage section.



  • Carrier - the Ocean (Steamship Line) or Air Carrier.
  • Vessel - The name of the Vessel (not used for Air shipments).
  • Voyage/Flight - The carrier's voyage or flight number.
  • Internal Voyage/Flight - If you are the NVOCC for this voyage, then this is your internal voyage/flight schedule number.


  • Warehouse Cutoff - Deadline for cargo to be delivered to the warehouse for loading into a container.
  • Rail Cutoff - Deadline for container to be delivered to the rail ramp for loading on train.
  • NVOCC Doc Cutoff - Deadline for shipping instructions to be provided to the NVOCC.
  • Carrier Doc Cutoff - Deadline for shipping instructions to be provided to the Carrrier.
  • NVOCC HAZ Cutoff - Deadline for hazardous documentation to be provided to the NVOCC.
  • Carrier HAZ Cutoff - Deadline for hazardous documentation to be provided to the Carrrier.
  • NVOCC VGM Cutoff - Deadline for NVOCC to receive verified gross mass (actual weight of container and its contents).
  • Carrier VGM Cutoff - Deadline for carrier to receive verified gross mass (actual weight of container and its contents).
  • Vehicle Cutoff - Deadline for a vehicle (Roll-on) to be delivered to the port terminal (contianer yard).
  • Port Cutoff - Deadline for container to be delivered to the port terminal (container yard).


Cutoff dates also have a time component associated with them. You can select the Date/Time from the icons or enter manually in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM.

Using the Calendar/Time widget

If you click on the date icon to select a date, the time zone will default based on the setup in the SubOrganization that is associated with your user profile.

At the bottom, you can click on the Select Time link to open a time selection widget.

Select the hours first, based on the military clock format. Then select the minutes:

Voyage Departure

  • ETD (POL) - Estimated date of departure from the Port of Loading.
  • Confirmed on Board (COB) - Date the container was confirmed on board of the vessel by the carrier. Also called "Shipped on Board".
  • Actual Departure (POL) - Date the vessel actually departed from the port of loading. Also noted as ATD.


Terminology of the container loaded on board may vary by carrier.

Both "Confirmed on Board" and "Shipped on Board" mean the date the container is loaded onto the vessel and the vessel has departed from the port.

Voyage Arrival

  • Transhipment Port ETA - Estimated date of arrival at the transhipment port.
  • Transhipment Port Actual Arrival - Actual date of arrival at the transhipment port.
  • Transhipment Port ETD - Estimated date of departure from the transhipment port.
  • Transhipment Port Actual Departure - Actual date of departure from the transhipment port.
  • ETA (POD) - Estimated date of arrival at the port of discharge.
  • Actual Arrival - Actual data of arrival at the port of discharge.
  • ETA (PLOR) - Estimated date of arrival at the place of receipt by the carrier.
  • Actual Arrival (PLOR) - Actual data of arrival at the place of receipt by the carrier.
  • ETA (Dest) - Estimated date of arrival at the final destination.
  • Actual Arrival (Dest) - Actual data of arrival at the final destination.
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