Adding Charges to a Quote or Booking
In this Article
You will learn how to add charges to a Quote or Booking.
Before you can add a Charge to a Quote or Booking, you must first create a Quote or Booking or Edit an existing one.
Once in a Quote or Booking, Go to the Charges section:
For Bookings, when rates are used, the Charges and Costs will automatically populate as the rate is selected.
There is an indicator in both Charges and Costs that indicates if the charge/cost was added manually or from rates. "R" means the charge/cost was populated from the rate selected, and "M" means the charge/cost was added manually by the user.
- Click on the Add New Charge button.
Entering the Charge Details
- Charge Code - Type in the first letters of a Charge Code or Charge Description and use the autocomplete to select a Charge Code.
Charge Codes can be added, updated, and deleted in the Control Panel > Common Configuration > Common References. The system comes pre-loaded with a set of standard charge codes.
- Charge Type
- Flat rate - the rate entered is the amount for the charge.
- Item based
- Per BL - the rate entered is multiplied by the quantity of BL's (in the shipment) to determine the amount.
- Per WR - the rate entered is multiplied by the quantity of Warehouse Receipts (in the shipment) to determine the amount.
- Time based
- Per Day - User is prompted to enter the quantity of Days. The rate entered is multiplied by the quantity of days to determine the amount.
- Unit based
- Per container - the rate entered is multiplied by the total quantity of containers to determine the amount.
- Per container type - User is prompted to enter the container type. The rate entered is multiplied by the quantity of that container type to determine the amount.
- Weight or measure
- Per W/M (See further instructions below)
- The system will calculate the amount of the weight-based rate and the volume-based rate and choose the larger of the two as the charge amount.
- If the amount chosen is less than the minimum, then the minimum amount will replace the charge amount.
- If the amount chosen is larger than the maximum amount, then the maximum amount will replace the charge amount.
- Volume Units of Measure that can be entered for the Per W/M Charge Type
- Per CBM - the rate entered is multiplied by the total volume (in CBM's) of the shipment Goods.
- Per CFT - the rate entered is multiplied by the total volume (in CFT) of the shipment Goods.
- Per TEU - the rate entered is in terms of units of twenty-foot long containers for the shipment Goods.
- Weight Units of Measure that can be entered for the Per W/M Charge Type
- Per KG - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in KGS to determine the amount.
- Per 500 KGS - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in KGS and divided by 500 to determine the amount.
- Per 1000 KGS - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in KGS and divided by 1000 to determine the amount.
- Per LB - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in LBS to determine the amount.
- Per 100 LBS - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in LBS and divided by 100 to determine the amount.
- Per 800 LBS - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in LBS and divided by 800 to determine the amount.
- Per 2000 LBS - the rate entered is multiplied by the total weight in LBS and divided by 2000 to determine the amount.
- Per W/M (See further instructions below)
How to enter a Per Unit Type Charge
Select "Per Unit Type" as the Charge Type:
- Click on the Configure Rate button:
- A pop-up screen will appear as shown below:
- Enter the pop-up details:
- Container Type - Select the type of container this charge will apply to. The list will include all of the container types that have been added in the Goods section.
- Rate (per Unit) - Enter the rate per unit for the charge.
- Press the Submit button to Save the details entered.
- Press the Close button to return to the previous screen without saving.
How to enter a Per Weight or Measure Charge
Select "Per Weight/Measure" as the Charge Type.
- Click on the Configure Rate button:
- A pop-up screen will appear as shown below:
- Enter the pop-up details:
- Rate per Weight - This is the weight based rate and Unit of Measure.
- Rate per Volume - This is the volume based rate and Unit of Measure.
- Min - The minimum amount for the charge.
Max - The maximum amount for the charge.
- Press the Submit button to Save the details entered.
- Press the Close button to return to the previous screen without saving.
- Percentage
- Percentage of Other Charge - User is prompted to select a charge code as the basis for this charge and to enter a percentage amount. The percentage entered is multiplied by the charge amount of the charge code basis entered. For example, if Percentage of Other Charge is selected as the Charge Type, the system will prompt the user to select a charge code. Let's say the user enters OFR - Ocean Freight, and enters 15 for the percentage amount. The system will calculate this charge amount as .15 x (OFR charge amount).
- Rate - enter the rate for the charge.
- Tax - add Value Added Tax (VAT) charges to a charge. To add VAT charges to a charge, click on the Tax toggle and swith it to green.
- A panel will apear and allow you to select the Tax codes to add to the charge. Multiple codes can be selected.
- In the drop down list, you will see all of the available tax codes and the correspondig percentage:
You can add and maintain Tax Codes and their percentages in Control Panel > Common Configuration > Common References > Tax Codes.
- Bill To - Select the Bill To Party. This is the party that will receive the invoice for the charge.
- The Bill To will default to the Bill To specified at the top of the Quote or Booking (in the Shipment Type > Billing Options section. There are 2 Bill To defaults. One default if the shipment is prepaid and one if it is Collect.
- Amount - the Amount will be computed automatically based on the Charge Type selected and the Rate entered.
- Currency - The currency will default to the base currency that is configured in your Sub-Organization setup. To change the currency, click on the Amount field and a panel will appear. You can select the currency for the charge. The exchange rate will automatically populate from the current market rate. You can manually over-type the exchange rate if desired. The recycle icon will refresh the exchange rate to the current market rate again.
- Base Amount - This field displays the charge amount in the base currency. The base currency is defined in the Organization and Sub-Organization.
- Prepaid/Collect - defines if the Charge is Prepaid or Collect. There is a separate indicator for the master bill of lading and the house bill of lading.
A Prepaid charge indicates that the charge must be paid prior to shipment departure from the port (usually paid by the shipper or their forwarding agent. A collect charge indicates that a charge will be collected upon arrival at the destination port (usually paid by the consignee or their agent). Prepaid/Collect indicators can be different for the master and house bills of lading. The master BL indicates how the charge is billed from the carrier (and usually is created from the costs), while the house BL indicates how the charge is billed from the NVOCC, if there is an NVOCC involved (the prepaid collect here is derived from the charges).
- More Options - You can click on the More Options icon to access more options:
- A panel will open and allow you to choose addtional options:
- Additional Settings - This option will open a panel and allow you to edit the Charge Description and also overide the charge amount that will print on the Bill of Lading.
What is a BL Overide?
There are occassions where you may need to issue a bill of lading (BL) to an agent overseas and that agent needs the BL to reflect additional charges that will not be billed by you. In this case you will need to overide your charge amount with a different amount that will print on the BL, but it will not be reflected in your profit and loss or billing. The BL overide is used for this purpose. It will only print on the BL and will not affect any billing in the system.
Why would you change the Charge Description?
There may be occassions when you want to put a more detailed description of a charge than is in the standard description. For example, you may want to let the customer know that the Drayage charge includes Fuel and Chassis. So instead of the standard description "Drayage Charge", you might add "Drayage Charge - including Fule and Chassis".
Some customers occassionally use a charge code that is not used very frequently. In this case they may create a MISC - Miscellaneous Charge. It can be added to the charges and then modified to reflect the usage for this shipment.
If you overide the charge amount fo the BL, then the charge will display the amount overidden as follows:
- Add to Invoice - add this charge to an existing invoice or create a new invoice for this charge (this action is covered in a separate article: Creating an Invoice).
- Copy Charges to Costs - will copy the charge to the cost section. The amount will be copied.
- Delete Charge - deletes the charge.
Charges data will save automatically as the details are entered.