Getting Rates in a Quote or Booking
In this Article
you will learn how to get rates in a Quote or Booking.
Before you can Get Rates in a Quote or Booking, you must first upload your rates into the system using a spreadsheet template. See spearate articles (Uploading FCL, LCL, and Air rates into the system).
Logiware also has integrations to Rate Management Systems, such as Catapult by Magaya, which allow you to manage your rates in Catapult and retreive them electronically from Logiware in real-time.
Logiware also has integrations with Truck Brokers, including:
- Primus
- Primo
- ExWorks
Truck rates can be retreived and combined with ocean rates to provide a list of all ocean carrier, truck carrier, route combinations.
To Get Rates in a Quote or Booking, you must first enter some required data:
- Select the Shipment Type and Direction
- Enter the Route
- At least one Origin related field and one Destination related field are required.
- Enter a Client in Parties
- For LCL there is an additional requirement to enter Goods
- The Weight and Volume must be entered.
How rates are retrieved in Logiware's Freight module:
- One origin related field and one destination related field are always required to retrieve rates.
- Rates are retrieved based on all of the route fields entered. For example, if the user passes a pickup location and PLOR and POL, then the system will only retrieve rates that contain all of those route fields.
- If the user leaves a route field empty, then all of possible combinations that exist in the rates will be returned.
- To get the most rate options, it is best to enter the outer most end points of the route only, and all of the inner combinations of rates will be returned. You can then use the filters to narrow down your rate selection.
Some Optional fields can affect the rates
There are some optional fields that can add additional charges to the rates. These include:
Incoterms - You can load rates with different incoterms for the same route.
Routed - Different rates can apply to shipments marked Routed versus NonRouted in the Shipment Type section.
AES Filing - An additional AES charge will be added to the rates if the AES filing checkbox is checked in the Shipment Type section.
Insurance Needed - An additional insurance charge will be added if the Insurance Needed checkbox is checked in the Shipment Type section. The system will prompt the user for the Value and percentage of value for the insurance charge.
Hazardous - If the Hazardous checkbox is checked in the Goods section, then an additional hazardous charge will be added to the rates.
NonStackable - If the NonStackable checkbox is checked in the Goods section, then an additional NonStackable charge will be added to the rates. The charge will calculate the volume in the container above the volume of the packages to determine the extra charge.
Bonded - If the Bonded checkbox is checked in the Goods section, then an additional Bonded fee will be added to the rates.
Overweight/Overlength - As the goods are entered, if they are over the weight or length threshold, then an additional charge may be added to the rates, and if they are over the allowable limit, then the shipment may not be allowed at all (and rates will not be retreived).
Warehouse - You can have different warehouses associated with PLOR and PLOD and each warehouse can have differnet rates.
The Rates section can be found below the Goods section in a Quote or Booking.
Get Rates
- Once you have entered the required data in Shipment Type, Route, Client, and Goods, then press the Get Rates button to retrieve the rates:
The time to load the rates will vary base on your rate configuration:
- Ocean carrier rates that you upload via spreadsheet in the Control Panel will load within a few seconds (1-3 seconds).
- Ocean carrier rates from Catapult (if you are using the Catapult integration) will usually load within 10 seconds.
- Truck rates from truck brokers (if you are using a truck broker integration) will load depending on the parameters you have setup with the broker (specifically the number of different carriers the broker is polling for rates). Typically the truck rates can take between 15 and 45 seconds.
The Rates will display:
A description of each field in the rates layout is shown below:
Filtering Rates
Use the filters to help narrow your rate selection.
At the top of the Rates section are a set of filters that can be used to help narrow your search and find the best rate for your shipment:
How filters can be helpful
Logiware combines all of the rates into one list. So if you have 5 ocean carriers and 5 possible truck carriers, the combination of rates will be 25. Combine that wil multiple routes for each carrrier and the number of possible rate combinations can grow quickly. This is where filters can help. You can quickly filter down the rate choices to meet you criteria.
Selecting an Existing Filter
- You can select an existing filter from the filter list by clicking on the
- The list of available filters will display:
- There are 2 types of filters in the list:
- Public filters - available to all users. They will have a blue group icon.
- Private filters - only available to you. They will have a gray padlock icon.
- You can filter the types of filters using the tabs at the top of the panel:
- All - shows all filters
- Private - shows only your filters
- Public - shows only the filters available to all users
Creating a New Filter
- Price - You can filter rates by the lowest price or 3 lowest prices.
- Transit Time - The filter will display the lowest and highest transit times from the rates. Drag the low and high Transit Time endpoints and press the Apply button to create the transit time range filter you want to apply.
- Commodity- This filter will contain all of the commodities found in the rates. Select one or more Commodies to filter rates matching the selected commodities.
- Truck Broker - Select a Truck Broker to filter only Truckers for the selected Broker.
- Carrier - Select one or more carriers to filter rates for only those carriers selected.
- Pre Carriage Carrier - You can filter Pre-Carriage Carriers (Truckers) with the following filter choices:
- Lowest cost Trucker
- 2nd lowest cost trucker
- 3 lowest cost truckers
- 5 lowest cost truckers
- Select specific truckers
- Unit Type (for FCL and Air ULD) - Select one or more Unit Types to filter rates.
- Route - The Route will be broken down into segments and there may be multiple location options at each segment. You can filter the location options within each segment to filter rates for the selected locations only.
Saving and Naming a Filter
- Once you have selected the filters you want, you can Save the filter by clicking on the Save icon:
- A panel will open and you can enter a name and description for the filter:
- If you check the Public box, then the filter will be available for all users to use. If you do not check it, then only your user profile will have access to the filter.
Clearing a Filter
- To clear a filter, press the Clear link:
Selecting the rate(s)
For Quotes, you can select multiple rates. This allows you to present the customer with options for their shipment.
- For LCL the options will vary by pickup carrier and sailing schedule.
- For FCL the options will vary by pickup carrier, sailing schedule, and ocean carrier.
For Bookings
- LCL will only allow one rate selection (since the pickup carrier and sailing voyage must be decided at this point. However, you can change either of these later in the booking if needed.
- FCL will allow multiple rates to be selected, but they must be for the same Ocean Carrier and Voyage (this allows you to include multiple container type rates in the booking).
- Once you have identified the rate(s) you want, click on the checkbox(es) to the right to select that rate:
Then press the Select Rates button to select the rates:
The selected rate(s) will display in the rates section and the list of non-selected rate choices will be removed from the screen:
As the rate is selected, the following updates to the Quote or Booking will occur:
- Charges and Costs from the selected rate(s) will be added to the Charges and Cost sections (for Bookings only).
- If there is a pickup or delivery, the PLOR or PLOD warehouse or rail ramp will be added to the Pickup section.
- The Carrier, voyage, and vessel from the selected rate will be added to the Voyage section (for Bookings only).
Clearing Selected Rate(s)
To clear a rate(s) that has been selected, click on the Clear Rates button:
The selected rate(s) will be cleared and you can press the Get Rates button to start the process again from the beginning.
Rate Change Alert
If the rates are subject to change within a 30 day window, then an Alert icon will appear, both on the rate itself and also if selected, at the top of the booking screen.
Also, at the top of the Quote or Booking: