Entering Parties in a Quote or Booking
In this article
You will learn how to enter Parties in a Quote or Booking
Before you can enter Parties in a Quote or Booking, you must first add the parties to your party database. See article "Creating a Party" in the Control Panel articles.
A Party is an entity with an address. The main type of parties used in shipments are shown below:
- Client - The company or person requesting the shipment.
- Shipper - The company or person shipping the goods.
- Forwarder - The broker/agent representing the shipper and assisting with the shipment.
- Consignee - The company or person receiving the shipment of goods.
- Agent - The broker/agent representing the consignee and assisting with the shipment.
- Notify Party - The company that should be notified when the shipment arrives.
There can also be other types of parties that are involved in shipments in addition to the above list:
- Third Party - a Third party is a company involved in the shipment that does not fit into one of the above categories.
- Also Notify Party - an additional Notify Party is sometimes identifed in a shipment.
- Carrier - an ocean vessel or airline carrier.
- Trucker - Trucking companies that provide truck services for the movement of goods.
- NVOCC - a Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier. An ocean or airline carrier that does not own or operate the vessel.
- Customs Broker - a specialized forwarder/agent that is used to assist with customs filing and clearance.
- Supplier - A manufacturing or processing facility where goods are produced and will be picked up for a shipment.
- Warehouse - A location where goods are stored for shipment pickup, consolidation, deconsolidation, and delivery.
To enter a Party, you need to be in the Quote or Booking screen. Scroll down the page until you see the Parties section. It is located beneath the Route and Referenes sections.
In the Control Panel, you can setup which Party Types will appear in your Parties section for Quotes and Bookings. You can also configure the order the parties appear.
Entering Main Parties
The main parties will each have a tile displayed in the Parties section (as shown above).
- To enter a Party, click on the Select Party field:
- As you type in the name of the party, a list of matching parties will appear in your select box as shown below:
- If the Party has more than one address, then a selection option will appear for each address of the Party.
Some additional information may appear in the list (if you are using those features):
- The Credit Status of the Parties will appear in the list.
- The Vendor rating will appear (See separate Article on Vendor Ratings). This is a compiled overall rating for the vendor across all of the bookings.
- Click on the Party/Address that you want to select in the list.
- The Party Name, Address, and Contacts will be loaded into the Party Tile:
- The Party Account Number and Tax ID (if any, associated with the party) will be displayed under the Party Name:
- If the Party has a Power of Attorney (POA) document uploaded, then a POA icon will appear:
- If the Credit Status has been updated for the party in the Control Panel, then it will appear in the party tile:
Editing/Updating the Party Address and Contacts
Edit changes made to the Party's address and Contacts will only be used for this shipment and will not update the Party in the database. To update the Party (so that the changes will apply automatcially when selected) you will need to update the Party in the Control Panel. See the article "Adding, updating Addresses in a Party" and "Adding, updating Contacts in a Party.
Editing/Updating the Party Address
- To edit/update the Party Address, click on the Address area or the edit icon available on the party tile:
- The Party Details panel will appear:
- You can edit/update the Address in the Print Address field. This Print Address will be used to print on documents.
Editing/Updating the Party Contacts
- To edit/update the Party Contacts, click on the Edit icon:
- The Party Details panel will appear:
- All of the Contacts that are associated with this Party and Address will appear in the Contacts list.
- Contacts will be checked "Active" only if their Shipment Type and Direction (and/or the Client/Customer) match with this quote or booking.
- Contacts that do not match the quote or booking Shipment Type, Direction (and/or Client Customer) will be loaded into the Party tile as "inactive".
- You can activate and de-activate Contacts by clicking on the checkbox:
- Contacts that are marked "Active" will display in the Party tile on the quote or booking main screen:
- Active Contacts will be available to print on documents and also to send emails and messages to.
- Inactive Contacts will not be available to print on documents or send emails/messages to.
Adding a new Contact to the Party
- To Add a Contact, click on the Add icon:
- A new contact section will appear:
- Enter the Contact details:
- First Name - Optional
- Last Name - Optional
- Position - Optional
- Title - Optional
- Phone - Optional
- Fax - Optional
- Emails - Required. You can enter multiple emails, separated with a semicolon (;).
Deleting a Contact
- To Delete or remove a contact from the Party, click on the red delete icon:
Deleting a Party Contact in a Quote or Booking will only remove the Contact from this quote or booking and not from the Party database.
Special Remarks
- If you have setup an Special Remarks in the Party (in the Control Panel), then they will appear in the Edit panel:
Adding Additional Parties to a Quote or Booking
- You can add additional parties to a Quote or Booking, by clicking on the Add Additional Party button in the Additional Parties section directly below the main Parties section.
- An Additional Party tile will be added to the section:
- Click on the Select Party Type link to select the type of party to add: