Creating a New Party

In this Article

This article explains how to create a Party. In Logiware, a Party is any entity that has an address.

Some examples include: customers, vendors, shippers, carriers, agents, rail ramps, warehouses, port terminals, etc.


  • Click on the Application selector > Control Panel > Parties

The Parties Maintenance page will display.

  • Click on the Create Party button in the upper right corner of the page


  • Enter the Name of the party

  • Select the Account Type(s) of the party.


Account Types identify the type of party and how the party will be used in shipments.

You can select multiple account types, as many as are applicable to the party.

Example above show a party that is a shipper, forwarder, and NVOCC.

  • The system will generate an Account number automatically.


An Account Number is internal to Logiware and used to uniquely identify each Party

It can be entered in 2 ways:

  • If you leave it blank, the system will automatically assign an Account Number for you. The system will use the first 5 digits of the Name and a sequence number.Y
  • or can enter your own Account Number - It must be unique and can only include alphabetic characters and integer numbers.
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