Rolling-up Charges into another Charge
In this Article
This article will explain how to roll-up Charges into another Charge.
Before you can roll-up a charge into another charge, you must be in a quote or booking and have charges available.
Once in a Quote or Booking, Go to the Charges section:
Rolling-up a Charge into another Charge
You cannot roll-up a Charge into another charge if the currency is not the same.
- Left-Click and hold on the Drag Charge Icon:
- While holding down on the left-click button of your mouse, drag the charge over the charge you want to roll into and release the left-click button:
- Once the charge is rolled-up into the other charge, the following changes will be visible:
- The charges will be outlined with a blue box, indicating the bottom charge(s) is rolled into the top charge.
- The charges that have been rolled into the main charge will become protected, in a view-only mode.
- The Prepaid/Collect indicator will be set to main charge setting for all rolled-up charges.
- The Drag icon on the rolled-up charge will turn into a Release Icon.
Rolling-out or Releasing a Rolled-up Charge
- To release, roll-out, or remove a charge from a rolled-up state, Click on the Release Icon:
- The charge will be removed from the rolled up state and placed back in the charges section as a stand-alone charge: