Using Integrations in bookings

In This Article

We will cover how to add integrations to a booking.


Before an integration can be used in a booking, it must first be activated in the Administrative panel. See article titled "Setup Integrations".


What are Integrations?

Integrations are electronic interfaces to other systems external to Logiware.

What Types of Integrations are there?

Integrations include other systems such as: accounting, carriers, customs, truck brokers, rate portals, warehouses, status tracking, etc.. Listed below are the current integrations available in Logiware:


To add an Integration to a booking, you need to open or create a Booking. From inside the Booking screen, scroll down until you see the Integrations section:


Adding an Integration

  • Click on the Add Integration button.

  • The list of available Integrations will appear.
  • Select the Integration you want to add to the booking by clicking on the integration in the list.

  • A slide-out drawer will open with any specific data needed to complete the integration.

An example of the AES data is shown below, but the panel will change for each Integration (See the detailed article for each integration on how to complete the form):

  • Information from the booking will automatically populate into the integration for you.
  • In some cases, where you have entered data (Shuch as AES), A tile will be added to the Integration section. In other cases, you will need to Submit the integration before a tile will be added:

  • The Close button or icon will return you to the Booking screen.

Editing Integration Data

  • Click on the Integration name in the tile, to re-open the slide-out drawer and continue editing the Integration data.

Errors and Data Missing

After you have saved an integration, if there are any exceptions, errors, or missing data, an icon will appear in the tile as shown below:

Submitting an Integration

  • Once you have completed the necessary data for the Integration in the slide out drawer, you can submit the Integration by first clicking on the Ready to Send checkbox:

  • and then clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of the panel:

Integration Tile Layout

The Integration tile layout is shown below:

Updating the Status of Integrations

  • To update the Integration status, click on the Update icon. This will check the latest status of the integration if it is in progress:

More Information

  • For More Information about the Integration, click on the More Information icon:

  • A Details panel will open and display the transaction history of the integration:

  • The transaction history will show the version, who submitted the transaction, and date and time of the submission.
  • You can download or view the actual data transmitted and returned in the transaction by clicking on the Download and View icons:

The transaction data will be displayed. This is the actual data sent to the other system:

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