Filing AES with US Customs

In This Article

This article explains how to add the AES integration in a booking, and file the AES transaction with US Customs.


What is AES?

Automated Export System (AES) AES is the system U.S. exporters use to electronically declare their international exports, known as Electronic Export Information (EEI), to the Census Bureau to help compile U.S. export and trade statistics. It is also used by other government agencies, such as US Customs, for trade enforcement purposes.

Who needs to file AES?

There are three parties that can file the EEI data with AES: the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI), the USPPI's authorized agent or the authorized agent of the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI). The USPPI is typically the U.S. exporter, and the FPPI is typically the foreign buyer.

What type of shipments require an AES filing?

The Electronic Export Information (EEI) is required documentation when the value of the commodity classified under each individual Schedule B number is over $2,500 or if a validated export license is required to export the commodity.

What is the required timeframe to file an AES?

In most cases, the filing must be done from one to 24 hours PRIOR to the actual export of the shipment depending on the method of transportation (e.g. shorter times are allowed for express shipments, 72-hour requirement for vehicles).


Before an integration can be used in a booking, it must first be activated in the Administrative panel. See article titled "Setup Integrations".


This article specifically focuses on how to enter the required information for filing an AES transaction. For more general information on using the Integration function, see article titled "Using Integrations in Bookings".


Locate the Integration section in the booking.

Click on Add Integration button > AES Integration.

The AES panel will appear:


USPPI Details


The USPPI is the U.S. Principal Party in Interest. The person in the United States that receives the primary benefits, monetary or otherwise, of the export transaction; generally that person is the U.S. seller, manufacturer, order party or foreign entity.


The system will automatically load the Shipper into the USPPI. If the USPPI is different, then you will need to change it in the AES panel.

Fields Description
Select Party Select the USPPI Party using this field.
Type Select the USPPI Type using this field.
Identification Number Enter the Identificantion Number for the USPPI.
First Name Enter the First Name of the USPPI.
Last Name Enter the Last Name of the USPPI.
Phone Enter the phone number of the USPPI.
Party Ship From Select the party ship from option of the USPPI.
Street Address Enter the Street Address of the USPPI.
City Enter the City of USPPI.
State Code Enter the State Code of the USPPI.
Postal Code Enter the Postal Code of the USPPI.
Country Select the Country of the USPPI.
  • Select the USPPI from the parties by typing the first few characters of the name.
  • The fields in red above are required. If they are not filled in by selecting the party, then you will need to manually enter them.


The AES filing needs the origin address where the goods are shipped from. If this address is different than the USPPI's primary address, then you will need to enter the correct address as described below.

Using a different address than the USPPI primary address

  • Use the Party Ship From field to select a different party address where the goods will ship from. This may be a warehouse, supplier, or other location.

Voyage Details


The system will load the Voyage Details from the Booking automatically. Yoou will need to fill in any details that do not load. All of the Voyage Detail fields are required to file the AES.

Fields Description
Origin State Select the Origin State in this field.
Export Port Select the Export Port in this field.
Schedule (D) Number Enter the Schedule (D) Number in this field.
Unloading Port Select the Unloading Port in this field.
Schedule (K) Number Enter the Schedule (K) Number in this field.
Country of Destination Select the Country of Destination in this field.
Mode of Transport Select the Mode of Transport in this field.
Carrier Name Select the Carrier Name in this field.
Carrier Code Enter the Carrier Code in this field.
Vessel Enter the Vessel being used for Voyage in this field.
Filing Type Select the Filing Type in this field.
Departure Date Select the Departure Date in this field.
Hazardous Select the Hazardous option if the package is dangerous.

Reference and Inbond details

Reference Details

  • The Shipment Reference and Booking Number are required for this section.
Fields Description
Shipment Ref# Enter the Shipment Reference in this field.
Booking No Enter the Booking Numbere here.

In-bond Details

  • All fields are optional
Fields Description
Entry Type Select the Type of entry being made, say, Merchandise NOT shipped inbond.
Entry Number Enter the Entry Number in this field.
Foreign Trade Zone Enter the Foreign Trade Zone in this field.
Routed Export Transaction Select/deselct the Routed Export Transaction in this field.
Related Company Select/deselect the Related Company option here.
Action Type Enter the Action Type, say ADD.
Ready to Send AES Select/deselect this option as a prerequisite to file the AES.


You can file the AES multiple times. There may be times where the shipment details change after you have filed. In this case, you will submit an Update.

The Action Type will automatically start as "ADD" for filing a new AES. If you file the AES again, it will automatically change to "Update".

You can also select "Cancel" after an AES has been filed.

Ultimate Consignee, Forwarder, and Intermediate Consignee Details


Ultimate Consignee - is the party the goods are being sold to.

Forwarder - The export agent assisting the Shipper with the shipment.

Intermediate Consignee - The person or party that acts as an agent for a principal party in interest for the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee. The intermediate consignee may be a bank, forwarding agent, or other person who acts as an agent for a principal party in interest.

  • The required fields for both the Ultimate Consignee and Forwarder are shown above highlighted in red.
Fields Description
Select Party Select the Ultimate Consignee Party using this field.
Type Consignee Type is a required field for the Ultimate Consignee and identifies the consignee as one of the available options.
Identification Number Enter the Identificantion Number for the Ultimate Consignee.
First Name Enter the First Name of the Ultimate Consignee.
Last Name Enter the Last Name of the Ultimate Consignee.
Phone Enter the phone number of the Ultimate Consignee.
Street Address Enter the Street Address of the Ultimate Consignee.
City Enter the City of Ultimate Consignee.
State Code Enter the State Code of the Ultimate Consignee.
Postal Code Enter the Postal Code of the Ultimate Consignee.
Country Select the Country of the Ultimate Consignee.
Consignee Type Select the Type of the Ultimate Consignee.
Sold En Route If the Ultimate Consignee is unknown at the time of export because your cargo will be sold while at sea, click the Sold en Route checkbox. If selected, you must update all consignee information within four calendar days of the EEI transmission and approval by the AES.

Fields Description
Select Party Select the Forwarder Party using this field.
Type Select the Forwarder Type using this field.
Identification Number Enter the Identificantion Number for the Forwarder.
First Name Enter the First Name of the Forwarder.
Last Name Enter the Last Name of the Forwarder.
Phone Enter the phone number of the Forwarder.
Street Address Enter the Street Address of the Forwarder.
City Enter the City of Forwarder.
State Code Enter the State Code of the Forwarder.
Postal Code Enter the Postal Code of the Forwarder.
Country Select the Country of the Forwarder.
  • The Intermediate Consignee is optional.

Fields Description
Select Party Select the Intermediate Consignee Party using this field.
Type Select the Intermediate Consignee Type using this field.
Identification Number Enter the Identificantion Number for Intermediate Consignee.
First Name Enter the First Name of the Intermediate Consignee.
Last Name Enter the Last Name of the Intermediate Consignee.
Phone Enter the phone number of the Intermediate Consignee.
Street Address Enter the Street Address of Intermediate Consignee.
City Enter the City of Intermediate Consignee.
State Code Enter the State Code of Intermediate Consignee.
Postal Code Enter the Postal Code of Intermediate Consignee.
Country Select the Country of Intermediate Consignee.

Commodity Details

  • Click on the Add Commodity button to add a commodity. The commodity fields will appear (You can add multiple commodities):

Fields Description
HTS Code Select a commodity code (Schedule B code) by entering the HS/Schedule B number or the commodity name. The system is directly linked to the US Customs database and will retrieve the matching commodities.
Gross Wt Weight of the goods in the container, including packaging, but not including the weight of the container.
Value Value of the goods in the shipment as defined in the commercial invoice.
Export Code This identifies the type or condition of the export transaction being made. You must select a code from the list. The system will default to OS (All other exports).
Primary Quantity Enter the Primary Quantity here.
UOM The Unit of Measure required for this commodity will load automatically when the commodity is selected. You need to enter the quantity for the specified Unit of Measure.
Secondary Quantity For some commodities, there will be a primary and secondary unit of measure required. If a Secondary unit of Measure appears, then you will need to enter the quantity for it. If it does not appear, then you can leave it empty.
UOM The Unit of Measure required for this commodity will load automatically when the commodity is selected. You need to enter the quantity for the specified Unit of Measure .
License Type Some commodities require a license or exemption code. The system will default to "No license required". You will need to consult the US Customs site to determine if your commodity requires a license or not.
License Number Some License Types will require a license number to be entered.
ECCN This number is used to identify items on the Commerce Control List (CCL). Only required for certain commodities.
Commodity Description This field will load automatically from the selected commodity code.
Type Enter the Type of commodity here.

Submitting an AES Transaction

  • To submit an AES transaction, first click on the Ready to Send AES checkbox (below the Reference and InBond section):

  • Next click on the Save button at the bottom of the panel to finalize the details provided.

  • If any data is missing, the fields will be highlighted in red. You must complete the required fields before the transaction is submitted.

Receiving the AES ITN Number

Once you have submitted the transaction, the ITN number will be returned within a few seconds and will appear in the AES integration tile. The status will also be updated:

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