
In this Article

This article explains how to edit or update a sub-organization.


Sub-Organizations can be created under the Organization.

Functional Flow

Go to Settings > Organizations and scroll over to the Sub Organizations section.


Editing Sub Organization

  • Click on the intended Sub Organization to view or edit its details.

Click on Audit Logs to monitor changes made to the sub organization.

Fill-in the details to pull audit logs for a specific timeline.

Adding Sub Organization

Click on Add a Sub Organization to create a new entry.

Enter the Name and Code in the prompt and click on Next.

A new Sub Organization will be added that can further be edited to add other details.

  • Overview
Field Description

Upload the logo for your sub-organization. It should be a high resolution JPEG image.

Note: This logo will be reflected across the platform for your suborganization and shall be in line with its Organization.

Address Line 1 Enter the address of your sub-organization.
Address Line 2 Enter the address of your sub-organization.
City Enter the City of your sub-organization.
State Enter the State of your sub-organization.
Country Enter the Country of your sub-organization.
Zip Code Enter the Zip Code of your sub-organization.
Timezone Select the time zone for your Sub-Organization. This will be used to record date and time transactions that occur in the system.
Date Format Select the Date format that you want to use in the system for your Sub-Organization.
Time Format Select the Time format that you want to use in the system for your Sub-Organization.
Contacts Enter the Contact information for your Sub Organization. Multiple contacts can be added with details as: Title, Name, Phone, Email, and Display Name. The Display Name is the combination for First and Last Name.
  • Accounting
Field Description
Base Currency This is the base currency for the Sub-Organization. You can have charges, costs, invoices, and bills in other currencies, but they will also be converted back into your base currency for reporting purposes.
Financial Year Enter your Sub-Organizations Fiscal year. The year used to report your financial results.
Payment Instruction These are the payment instructions that will print on a customer invoice. They typically include wire transfer details, ACH details, Credit card instructions, etc.
Grace period for Invoice Payment This is the number of days after the due date of an invoice that is allowed for the customer to pay before a penalty is incurred.
Penalty for Invoice Payment This is the amount of penalty that will be charged the customer for paying an invoice after the Grace Period has expired. It is a percentage amount.
Credit Limit Enter the Credit Limit for your Sub Organization.
Remit to Address This is the mailing address for the customer to send their check payment.
  • Warehouse
Field Description
Permitted GO Days Number of General Office days allowed by this warehouse.
Tolerance for Weight Difference This is the percentage difference allowed between the expected (booked) weight and the actual (received) weight before the cargo is flagged as having a discrepancy.
Tolerance for Volume Difference This is the percentage difference allowed between the expected (booked) volume and the actual (received) volume before the cargo is flagged as having a discrepancy.
Free Days Number of Free Days this warehouse allows before storage costs will begin to accrue.
  • Customs
Field Description
AMS Filer Code Enter the filer code assigned by US Customs for the Automated Manifest System.
AMS Bonded Carrier Type Enter the type of ID used by the CFS for their Carrier Bond.
AMS Bonded Carrier ID Enter the CFS Carrier Bond ID needed by Customs for PTT (Permit to Transfer) and InBond Transfer transactions between a CFS and a port or another CFS. Usually, the the move is done under the Trucker's Carrier Bond ID, but in some cases the CFS Carrier Bond ID is used.
AES Filer Code Enter the filer code assigned by US Customs for submitting AES filings with US Customs.

Press the Submit button to save.

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