Balance Due Cargo

In this Article

This article will help understand the functionality of Balance Due Cargo and how it fixes pickup discrepancies.


In certain cases, the total number of received pieces cannot be picked up successfully. This happens while the cargo is picked up successfully for further processing.

Functional Flow

Go to IPI Receiving > HBL LIST.

From the list, choose the HBL concerned and select HBL Details.

Let us say, the trucker at an event may only pick up 2 of the received pieces leaving one.

In the current case, the left-over piece can then be sent over to the inventory, using the option Balance Due Cargo. The status of the shipment will again be moved to In Inventory.

Select the option to get the following window.

Enter the Location and number of Remaining pieces. Click on Apply to proceed.

For the remaining pieces, an import balance charge or IBAL will be added under the Charges section.

At this point, the usual process will follow and further Release of the consignment will be required.

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