
Creating Invoice/Bill

In this Article

This article will explain the steps in creating an invoice.


An invoice is a document sent to a party to collect payment for services provided. A bill is an invoice received from a vendor for payment to the vendor.


Before creating an Invoice/Bill, you will also need to add Charges to the shipment.

Functional Flow

Invoice/ Bill can be generated and sent, either manually (discussed later) or using Finalize as shown here. Go to the Shipment concerned and select the Charges section.

One can select multiple Charges and click on ADD TO INVOICE/BILL to incorporate these in an Invoice/Bill.

Enter a unique name and click on Save. This invoice will be automatically sent to QuickBooks and each copy will be sent to the associated party.

Note: The contact address where the respective invoice will be sent can be seen under 'Address Details' of the Party chosen.

An example of the invoice sent to the contact email can be seen here.

The invoice sent to the associated party has to be paid within the configured time period, as shown. The default is set to 30 days.

The due date for the invoice can be seen as per this setting.

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