Getting Started in Logiware

This document outlines 4 easy steps to get you up and running in Logiware.

Step 1: Setup your Organization Profile


In the Logiware system, Go to Control Panel > Organization


  • Enter your company name and address
  • Upload your logo
  • Select your time zone and date/time formats.
  • Add your main contact person
  • Add any subOrganizations in your Organization

Step 2: Upload your Parties (optional)

Note: If you have alot of parties, you may want to upload them automatically into Logiware. But, it is not required to get started. Some customers prefer to create new parties manually as they create shipments.

Before you Begin

In order to upload your parties, you will need to use our standard spreadsheet format. You can obtain this from our support desk (

As you format your parties into the spreadsheet, this is a good opportunity to remove any duplicates so that you don’t bring them into the new system.

Uploading the Spreadsheet

For now, return the spreadsheeet to our support desk (, and they will load the sheet into the system.

In the next version, you will be able to upload the spreadsheet directly into the system yourself.

Step 3: Setup Integrations

Logiware has an extensive library of integrations with external systems. Integrations are added in almost every release. To see the integrations available, go to Control Panel > Integrations. Click on the tab menu to see the integrations for each category (Accounting, Trucking, Customs, Warehouse, Ocean Carriers, etc..):

  • Click on the Question Mark icon to view information about the integration.
  • Once you have entered the required information, the integration will be activated.

Some integrations may require you to contact the integration company and establish an account with them first. The informational instructions will provide directions in those cases.

Step 4: Invite Users

When your system is first setup, you will be given an ADMIN login and the URL for accessing your system.


To add new users, go to Control Panel > Users > New User.


There are 2 options to add a new user:

  • Invite - Enter First Name, Last Name, Email and a email with a signup link will be sent to the user.
  • Create - Enter First Name, Last Name, Email and create a password for the user.

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