Creating a Sub-Organizations
In this Article
This article wil explain Sub-organizations and how to create one.
What is a Sub-Organization?
A Sub-Organization can represent an office, division, business unit, or group that is under the organization (part of the Organization's structure). a Sub-Organization can have its own:
- Address
- Logo
- Contacts
- Integrations (Accounting packages, Customs EDI, Carrier EDI, etc..)
- Base currency
- Invoice payment instructions (Remit to address and instructions printed on invoices)
Go to Settings > Sub-Organizations
- Click on the Create Sub Organization button.
- You can update the following information for your Sub-Organization:
- Sub-Organization Name - Name of your sub-organization
- Address information - Address of your sub-organization: Street, City, State, Zip code, Country.
- General information
- Logo - Upload the logo for your sub-organization. It should be a high resolution JPEG image.
- Language - Select your default language. Users can over-ride the Sub-Organization's default language in their User Profile.
- Time Zone - Select the time zone for your Sub-Organization. This will be used to record date and time transactions that occur in the system.
- Date and Time format - Select the Date and Time formats that you want to use in the system for your Sub-Organization.
- Accounting
- Base Currency - This is the base currency for the Sub-Organization. You can have charges, costs, invoices, and bills in other currencies, but they will also be converted back into your base currency for reporting purposes.
- Financial Year - Enter your Sub-Organizations Fiscal year. The year used to report your financial results.
- Grace Period for Invoice Payment - This is the number of days after the due date of an invoice that is allowed for the customer to pay before a penalty is incurred.
- Penalty for Invoice Payment - This is the amount of penalty that will be charged the customer for paying an invoice after the Grace Period has expired. It is a percentage amount.
- Payment Instruction - These are the payment instructions that will print on a customer invoice. They typically include wire transfer details, ACH details, Credit card instructions, etc..
- Remit to Address - This is the mailing address for the customer to send their check payment.
- Warehouse
- Free Days - Number of Free Days this warehouse allows before storage costs will begin to accrue.
- Permitted GO Days - Number of General Office days allowed by this warehouse.
- Tolerance for Weight Difference - This is the percentage difference allowed between the expected (booked) weight and the actual (received) weight before the cargo is flagged as having a discrepancy.
- Tolerance for Volume Difference - This is the percentage difference allowed between the expected (booked) volume and the actual (received) volume before the cargo is flagged as having a discrepancy.
- Customs
- AMS Filer Code - This is the filer code assigned by US Customs for the Automated Manifest System.
- AMS Bonded Carrier Type - This is the type of ID used by the CFS for their Carrier Bond.
- AMS Bonded Carrier ID - This is the CFS Carrier Bond ID needed by Customs for PTT (Permit to Transfer) and InBond Transfer transactions between a CFS and a port or another CFS. Usually, the the move is done under the Trucker's Carrier Bond ID, but in some cases the CFS Carrier Bond ID is used.
- AES Filer Code - This is the filer code assigned by US Customs for submitting AES filings with US Customs.
- Contact information - You can add multiple contacts to the Sub-Organization: Title, Name, Phone, Email, and Display Name. The Display Name is the combination for First and Last Name.
- Press the Submit button at the bottom of the page to save the sub-organization.
The Code is a short set of characters used to represnt the Sub-Organization. For example, you might enter "ATL" for the Atlanta Office.