Creating, updating, and deleting CFS locations

In This Article

This article will explain how to associate CFS Warehouses to cities and identify the types of shipments the CFS warehouse will accept. It will also describe the steps to update and delete the CFS Warehouse/City associations.


What is a CFS Warehouse?

A CFS Warehouse is a Container Freight Station warehouse and serves several purposes in containerized shipping:

  • Consolidation and De-Consolidation. CFS's are used to consolidate ("Stuff") cargo from multiple shippers that have LCL (Less-than-Container Load) cargo into a single container for export shipments. For import shipments, the CFS receives containers from the carrier and de-consolidates the cargo ("Devanning" or "Stripping") and delivers the individual cargo to multiple Consignees.
  • Weighing, inspections, and Customs Clearance. CFS's serves as a location for container weighing, freight examination and clearance by US Customs
  • Loading and unloading of full containers. CFS's not only work with LCL cargo and consolidated shipments, but they also work with Full Conitainer Loads (FCL) as well.

What is a CFS Location?

A CFS location is an association of an actual warehouse party (a warehouse name and address) with a City (a city code loacation). It identifies that for a certain city, this is the CFS warehouse that will be used for handling shipments.

Where do NVOCC's fit in?

NVOCC's are Non Vessel Operating Common Carriers and they act as a middleman between VOCC's (Vesssel Operating Common Carriers, "Carriers") and Shippers in order to make the market more efficient. They are able to buy space in larger volume from the carriers to gain deeper discounts and resell that space at price beneficial to Shippers. Some NVOCC's also operate as "Consolidators", where they consolidate cargo from shippers that don't have enough cargo for a full container. These consolidators either own their own warehouses, to facilitate the consolidation and deconsolidation, or they work with warehouse partners. The NVOCC consolidator will often have a network of CFS warehouse locations around the country to allow shippers and forwarders to drop off cargo, or the NVOCC will arrange pickup of the cargo from the shipppers warehouse or factory. Cargo can often times be moved from one CFS location to another for final shipment or delivery.


Click on the Application Selector > Control Panel > Locations.

The Cfs Locations Page will appear.


Adding a CFS Location

  • Click on the Create CFS Location button.

  • The Create CFS Location page will appear.

Field Description
Port or City Enter the port or city where the CFS warehouse will be located.
Shipment Directions Add the shipment directions that will be supported by this CFS warehouse location. Select from the list (Export, Import, Domestic). You can select multiple values.
Linked Warehouses Add the warehouses that will be linked or associated with this city . You will select from list of parties in the Party Maintenance table. You can select multiple warehouses.
Preferred Warehouses From the list of linked warehouses, you need to select the CFS warehouse that will be the default or preferred warehouse for this city and shipment direction.
Sub Organizations You can setup different CFS warehouses for different SubOrganizations. Select the Suborganizations that this CFS location will be used for.
  • Press the Submit button to save your data.

Editing a CFS Location

  • Click on the Pencil Icon to edit a CFS Location.

  • Change any field values needed.

  • Press the Submit button to save your changes.

Deleting a CFS Location

  • Click on the red X Icon to delete a CFS Location.

  • A warning message will appear:

  • Click the Yes button to Delete the Location or press elsewhere on the screen to ignore this action.
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