Uploading a POA (Power of Attorney) document to a Party

In this Article

This article explains how to upload a Power of attorney (POA) document to a Party profile.


A POA document allows a Forwarder or Broker to act on behalf of a Shipper or Consignee for the purpose of handling shipments.

(Examples: a forwarder may obtain a POA in order to file AES transactions for the shipper, and a

customs broker may use a POA in order to clear freight with customs for the consignee.


  • Click on Application Selector > Control Panel > Parties

  • Then click on the Create Party button or the Edit Icon.


You need to be in a Party record before you can Add or Delete Addresses from a Party. You can either create a new party or edit an existing party. Both of these can be done from the Party Maintenance screen as circled in red above.

  • From the Create Party or Edit Party screen, locate the Power of Attorney field (with the paperclip icon).


  1. Click on the Power of Attorney field (paperclip icon).
    1. System will open a dialog box and allow you to select a file from your computer's file folder directory.
    2. Navigate through your Windows folders and locate the POA file/document you want to upload.
    3. Click on the file/document and press the Open button.
    4. The file will upload into the Party profile.
  2. Enter the POA date of expiration


If you fill in the Date of Expiration, the system will notify you via email before the POA expires.

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