LCL Imports High Level Business Flow
Start condition:
CFS receives Arrival notice with the specified cargo. Manifest Document contains Master Bill of Lading and House bill of Ladings
Step 1: Enter all the Manifest Details into the system. Enter Master B/L details first (This creates the file)
What is “Service” signifying here?. While creating the Manifest, what are the fields that are mandatory and fields we can fill after creating the Manifest.
Secondary enter the house B/L details
Step 2: Request U.S. Customs to transfer container to the facility
Enter In Cargo Manager PTT (Permit To Transfer) to U.S. Customs, 15 minute response.
PTT: Request move of container to facility in-bond
Enter PTT requested Date and PTT Received Date (Provide Field in Manifest) (Gokul Comment)
Provide ability to print PTT (Gokul Comment)
Provide ability to print 7512 at HBL level (Gokul Comment)
Enter 7512 for each House B/L, where Final Destination is not New York
Form 7512 - Transportation Entry and Manifest of Goods Subject to CBP Inspection and Permit
U.S. Customs provides 9 digit IT number block, 9th digit is auto-populated. If FD is NOT NYC populate in the HBL automatically
FORM 7512-EXAMPLE.pdf16 Feb 2022, 01:39 PMPTT-EXAMPLE.pdf16 Feb 2022, 01:38 PMFormula to calculate IT numbers.pdf19 Jan 2022, 11:08 AM
Step 3: Go check of the steamship line arrival from the website , confirm terminal of arrival
Please make sure we have a field to enter Actual Arrival Date at Manifest Level (Gokul Comment)
Step 4: Check Steamship line website to see if Terminal has discharged the cargo to the Terminal
Please make sure we have a field to enter Discharge Date as well as Terminal at Manifest Level (Gokul Comment)
Step 4a (Customs does not clear >= 15 days and <= 20 days) : Submit Eligibility to local General Order (GO) facility - submitted via email.
Clock starts on when the PTT cargo has to be picked up ( no less than 15 days from PTT authorization, no more than 20 days after PTT authorization )
Rule for GO is PTT date or Actual Discharge Date whichever is later. (Gokul Comment)
Make sure that we have GO date at Manifest Level as for each HBL
Start GO Date Clock based on Rule above and highlight with color indication as well as an email Alert a few days before the GO clock runs out. The reminder alert days possibly configurable.(Gokul Comment)
Step 5: Print Documentation
Job Ticket: Represents the container, remains with Dispatch. information at the Master B/L level. directs the container within the warehouse (internal identification for container)
This document is issued by CFS informing Warehouse management about the potential arrival of container. (Gokul Comment)
User should be able to print Job Ticket at the Manifest level (Gokul comment)
16 Feb 2022, 12:47 PM
Delivery Order
This document is the instruction for the Trucker to pickup Container from the Terminal
If the container is carrying HAZMAT then the CFS will attach DG Document, Material Safety Data Sheet to this document
Provide ability to print Delivery Order at Manifest Level (Gokul Comment)
Manually write down the information of a file on a manila folder:
16 Feb 2022, 01:34 PM
Step 5a: Once discharged, Arrange Trucking company to pick up Container (marine terminal sets number of Free days)
Step 5a: CFS informs trucking company to pick
Step 5b: Arrange appointment with Customs for Trucking company
Step 5c: Trucker needs Delivery Order and PTT to pick up from Terminal
TODO: Define Trucking Flow
Step 6: Trucking Company brings container to the CFS warehouse. Trucker gives Delivery Order to CFS warehouse. TODO: Is there a confirmation to give to the Trucker that they dropped off at the warehouse?
Marine Terminal gives TIR to Trucker (Terminal Information Receipt, container has Seal #)
Driver gives TIR to Dispatch
Dispatch enters TIR to system → enters details Seal #, Chassis # (Make sure you have field to enter the TIR details) (Gokul comment)
Date/Time at Coda Field - captures when container arrived at Coda
16 Feb 2022, 02:42 PM
Step 7: Enter into system that Container is being stripped
Door number that is being devan-ned
Start Time of devan
Step 8: Upload pictures of Container (any damage, inside and outside of container). Upload photos to Master B/L
Take photo of open container doors
Take picture of every pallete unloaded
Make photos viewable on Customer Portal by User approval
Step 9: Check packages and match to each House B/L’s information. Log packages against the House B/L
Step 9a: Any extra / missing packages
Step 9b: Upload Pictures of the packages in the container. Log any damages to the package
Ability to move photos if mis-categorized at the House B/L
Devan Tally: Replication of the cargo manifest, tally document helps to unload the cargo and separate the House B/L. Used by warehouse (Devan Tally is prepared for each HBL)
Copy of the Cargo Manifest : Used by warehouse to unload
There will be separate entry for actual Qty, Weight and Measure and entry will be changed if different (Gokul comment)
If there is a discrepancy there will be color highlight indicating that the HBL has discrepancy (Gokul comment)
Warehouse person marks up Devan Tally with missing / broken pieces
Office user enters damage / missing at House B/L level.
If there is Hazardous material attach to Devan Tally : DG Document, Material Safety Data Sheet
16 Feb 2022, 01:43 PM
Step 10: Communicate to client on Master B/L that Container has been stripped. (Current process is sending Email). Update File to being ready for pickup, add last free days.
OffIce user enters last free day, (Start clock for LFD)
GO days (Start Clock for GO)
Devan Report: Sent to client (For Cargo with Destination NYC)
Invoice: Sent to client (For Cargo with Destination NYC)
Step 11: Client will inform that House B/L is customs cleared. System will release House B/L (TODO: Does CFS need customs clearance document ? ) (For Cargo with Destination NYC)
Step 12: Client will arrange payment. User will mark the House B/L into released status (For Cargo with Destination NYC)
Step 13: Trucker will arrive with House B/L for pick up at CFS Warehouse (For Cargo with Destination NYC)
In a situation Trucker arrives to pickup Cargo without all approvals such as Customs Cleared, All amounts paid, and Cargo Released etc. a detention document is printed and Trucker sent back without collecting the Shipment. Detention document is attached.
05 May 2022, 09:42 AM
Step 14: CFS Warehouse will load packages onto Truck. TODO: Does CFS need pictures of packages loaded on Truck ?
Step 15: User will mark House B/L as picked up