Release Notes
Dates: 01/06/2025 - 01/22/2025
Feature 1 - Added Booking Confirmation Received Date
Added new date for Booking Confirmation Received to the Date section of the Booking screen.
Jira: LW-2006, 3640
Status: Released
Feature 2 - Add fields to QuickBooks integration
Added Sales Rep and SubOrganization to the Memo section for invoices and bills sent to QuickBooks.
Jira: LW-3020
Status: Released
Feature 3 - Added a new charge type for insurance
Added a new charge type for insurance to calculate the insurance charge amount based on the value of goods and percentage of the value.
Jira: LW-3161, 3142
Status: Released
Feature 4 - Added ability to configure initial required fields in Control Panel
Created a new function in the Control Panel to allow user to specify the fields required to create a new booking from Draft status.
Jira: LW-3230, 3417
Status: Released
Feature 5 - Enhanced city lookup feature in Route section
Enhanced the city name lookup to accept 2 words (for example North Brunswick) and search for matching names of both words as opposed to just the first word.
Jira: LW-3239
Status: Released
Feature 6 - Added new trigger fields for automation
Added Goods weight, Volume, and Dimensions as fields available to trigger automations. For example, now if the Goods are over a certain length, then and Out of Gauge banner can be displayed.
Jira: LW-3298, 3011
Status: Released
Feature 7 - Added new fields to the Booking Search screen
Added the following fields to the booking search screen filters and column configuration options:
- NVOCC cutoff Dates
- Type of Move
- Buyer and Seller Consolidation
Jira: LW-3409, 3598, 3658, 3657
Status: Released
Feature 8 - Added CLASS field to QuickBooks integration
Added CLASS field at the charge level to send to QuickBooks in invoices and bills.
Jira: LW-3411, 3558, 3587, 3586, 3599
Status: Released
Feature 9 - Removed default of workflow
Removed the default of workflow in the booking screen. User now must select the workflow to engage the workflow for a booking.
Jira: LW-3550
Status: Released
Feature 10 - Added new date format option to SubOrganization setup
Added a 3 character month format to the available date format options for SubOrganizations. This will allow a SubOrganization to print with DEC/15/2025 format.
Jira: LW-3552
Status: Released
Feature 11 - Created new external API’s for Freight Portal
Added external API’s for invoices and bills on the Freight Portal. Customers can now receive invoices and bills via API.
Jira: LW-3565
Status: Released
Feature 12 - Moved Value of Goods field to the Shipment Type > Billing Options section
Decoupled the value of Goods field from the Insurance checkbox and moved it as an independent field in the billing options area of the Shipment Type section in the booking screen. This allows more flexibility of the field since it is used in more scenarios than just insurance.
Jira: LW-3582, 3583
Status: Released
Feature 13 - Added hot key feature to allow hot keys to expand and collapse all sections
Ctrl + Shift + K will expand all sections
Ctrl + Shift + L will close all sections
Jira: LW-3588
Status: Released
Feature 14 - Added EORI number to Additional Account ID types
User can now add an EORI number to a Party in the Party maintenance screen using the Additional ID field.
Jira: LW-3614
Status: Released
Feature 15 - Allow user to add a contact to a party in a booking without an email
Now you can add a contact to a party in a booking without an email address.
Jira: LW-3623
Status: Released
Feature 16 - Allow user to configure upload categories for Party uploads
Users can now configure upload categories for Parties in Control Panel > Common Configuration > Common References > Document Types. Yoou must specify Category = Party.
Jira: LW-3616
Status: Released
Feature 17 - Added Also Notify party to INTTRA Shipping Instruction integration
Up to 3 “Also Notify” Parties will now be transmitted to INTTRA in the shipping instruction EDI messages.
Jira: LW-3625
Status: Released
Feature 18 - Enhancement to Buyer/Seller Consolidations
- Added the Load Guide icon to the Master FCL Booking to allow the linking of House bookings directly from the Master Booking container. This allows you to create the house bookings independently from the Master and link them at any time.
- Added Buyer and Seller Consoles to the booking search screen filters and columns. You can now search and view buyer and seller consoles from the booking search screen.
Jira: LW-3629, 3631, 3632
Status: Released
Feature 19 - Modified validation for PLOR ETD and Actual departure dates
Removed the validation constraint that Actual Departure must be > ETD for PLOR.
Jira: LW-3630
Status: Released
Feature 20 - Modified Charges and Costs Rate to allow 3 decimals
Now allow for the rate to accept up to 3 decimals for higher precision in calculating the charge and cost amount when needed.
Jira: LW-3654
Status: Released