
Release Notes 

Dates: 11/12/2024 -11/26/2024


Feature 1 - Added Buyer/Seller Consolidation

Streamlined the steps in creating a buyer/seller consolidation. User can now create a buyer/seller consolidation directly from an FCL booking. The system will automatically create a voyage in the background. The user can create House Bookings directly from the FCL master booking.

This saves steps and makes the process more efficient.

Jira: LW-3237, 3269

Status: Released

Feature 2 - Added link to booking on Task listing screen

Added a clickable link to navigate to the booking from the Task list.

Jira: LW-2947

Status: Released

Feature 3 - Added Automation feature

Added the ability to trigger automations based on the following:

  • Workflow Status changes
  • Field Matches:
    • Shipment type and direction
    • Workflow status changes
    • Route fields (PLOR, POL, POD, etc..)
    • Specific Parties (Client, Shipper, Agent, matches, etc..)
  • Field Changes
  • Booking closed or deleted
  • Portal booking created by customer

Added the following Actions that can be taken by Automations:

  • Email - Automatically send email to specified list of users, roles, parties, or party types using email templates.
  • Tasks - Automatically create and assign tasks
  • Finance - Automatically add charges and costs
  • Banners - Automatically display different types of banners based on the triggering condition

(Automation is being refined, enhanced and delivered over the next 2 releases).

Jira: LW-2947

Status: Released

Feature 4 - Added additional dates to be loaded from the voyage schedule API

Added Doc, Port, and VGM Cutoff dates to automatically load when a voyage is selected from the Carrier's API.

Jira: LW-3069

Status: Released

Feature 5 - Released additional document templates to Production

  • Certificate of Origin

Jira: LW-3082

Status: Released

Feature 6 - Added LBS and CFT units of measure to the Document Template function

Now you can print in both metric and imperial units of measure in the document template function.

Jira: LW-3152

Status: Released

Feature 7 - Agent Settlement Invoice

Added capability to create a single invoice for Agents in a voyage. The invoice can consolidate charges and costs across multiple bookings in the voyage. This feature is used primarily in NVOCC consolidation.

Jira: LW-3200, 3201, 3345

Status: Partially completed and will release in Sprint 17

Feature 8 - Modification to Common References > Document Types for identifying Freight Invoices

Added an attribute to Document Types ("Classification") to identify Freight Invoices. This allows the user to have multiple freight invoice formats.

Jira: LW-3207, 3208

Status: Released

Feature 9 - Added Cargo Location and Final Location to the Route section for imports.

Added ability to associate a Party name and address to the POD to identify the location of cargo for imports. Also added the same to PLOD to identify the Final Location.

Jira: LW-3226, 3375, 3227

Status: Released

Feature 10 - Modified the "Duplicate Booking" validation message to not include deleted and canceled bookings.

When you enter a carrier booking number, the system checks to see if that booking number exists in another shipment file/booking. It will now not include deleted or canceled bookings.

Jira: LW-3275

Status: Released

Feature 11 - Added ability to upload "informational only" destination charges in rates.

The "informational only" charges from rates will display as a banner in the booking.

Jira: LW-3297

Status: Released

Feature 12 - Added configuration to allow SubOrganizations to create invoices without accounting integration.

SubOrganizations can now create invoices without having an accounting integration.

Jira: LW-3359, 3364

Status: Released

Feature 13 - Improved visibility of customs filing transaction status and numbers.

Added customs filing transaction numbers (example: AES ITN) to the tile in the Integrations section so that it will be visible without opening the integration details.

Also added the customs status and transaction numbers to the Booking Search screen filters and columns.

Jira: LW-3361

Status: Released

Feature 14 - Switched order of vessel and voyage fields in the Voyage section

Switched order for better usability based on user feedback.

Jira: LW-3362

Status: Released

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