Load LCL Rates

In this Article

You will learn how to upload LCL rates into Logiware using excel spreadsheet templates.


Logiware uses a spreadsheet template to upload LCL rates into the system. Before you can upload your rates into Logiware, you must first put them into the spreadsheet format as specified in the template.


The file must be saved in a .csv format to be uploaded into the system.

The LCL Rate spreadsheet template uses the format shown below:

The fields are described as follows:

  • Pricing Name * - This is the Tariff name. It defines the name of a collection of rates for multiple routes. The Pricing Name can be assigned to customers to receive special tariff pricing for their shipments. One Pricing name can be assigned to multiple customers, and customers can have more than one Pricing Name assigned to them. One Pricing Name is identified as the default/standard tariff that applies to all customers.
  • Agent - If the Tariff applies to a specific Agent, then enter the Agent's Party Account Number (This is the unique identifier that identifies the account and can be found in the Party Maintenance screen).
  • PLOR Warehouse ** - For exports, enter the CFS Warehouse's Account Number for the origin side of the shipment. (This is the unique identifier that identifies the account). This field is only used for exports. For imports, this field is not used.
  • PLOR *** - Place of Receipt. This is the UNLOC code for the CFS Warehouse location on the origin side of the shipment, where the goods will be consolidated into a container for export.
  • POL - Port of Load. UNLOC code must be used.
  • POD - Port of Discharge. UNLOC code must be used.
  • PLOD ** - Place of Delivery. This is the UNLOC code for the CFS Warehouse location on the destination side of the shipment, where the goods will be unloaded from the container for delivery.
  • PLOD Warehouse *** - For imports, enter the CFS Warehouse's Account Number for the origin side of the shipment. (This is the unique identifier that identifies the account). This field is only used for imports. For Exports, this field is not used.
  • Incoterms - If the Tariff applies to a specific incoterm, then enter the incoterm here.
  • Routed - Enter Yes or No. You can have different rates apply to routed and non-routed shipments.
  • Effective Date * - Enter the date the rate will go into effect. Date format should be MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Expiration Date * - Enter the date the rate will expire and become inactive. Date format should be MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Charge Code * - Enter the charge code for the rate. This must be a valid charge code setup in the charge code maintenance screen.
  • Charge Type * - Enter the Charge Type. This must be a valid charge type in the system.
  • Rate * - Enter the rate. This must be numeric.

"*" indicates the field is always required for both export and import.

"**" indicates the field is required only for exports.

"***" indicated the field is required only for imports.


LCL rates are loaded and maintained from a PLOR to a PLOD. For exports, the PLOR must specify a specific CFS Warehouse, but the PLOD can be identifed with a UNLOC code. For imports it is the exact opposite, the PLOR can be identified with a UNLOC code and the PLOD must specify a specific CFS Warehouse.

Why require a specific CFS Warehouse for the USA part of the route? The reason is that the USA has integrated truck portals that can include the trucking costs into the rating process, and the zip code for the CFS warehouse is necessary to obtain accurate truck costs.


How are rates matched in Logiware?

When the user presses the GET RATES button in a Quote or Booking, the system will search for rates and return results that match the following criteria:

For Exports:

PLOR Warehouse, PLOD, Agent, Incoterm, Routed (Yes/No), Current Date > Effective Date, Current Date < Expiration Date.

For Imports:

PLOD Warehouse, PLOR, Agent, Incoterm, Routed (Yes/No), Current Date > Effective Date, Current Date < Expiration Date.


  • Click on the Application selector > Control Panel > Rates > Upload Rate File

The Rate Files Uploads screen will be displayed:


  • Select the LCL toggle at the top of the screen.

  • Click in the Upload Rate File field

The Windows File Selector page will open:

  • Use the Window File Selector to navigate through the folders and select the spreadsheet you want to upload. Press the Open button to complete your selection.

The selected file (spreadsheet) will appear in the Upload Rate File field.

  • Click on the Upload button to begin the upload process.

The system will display a message if the file is uploaded successfully and ready to begin processing:

If the file could not be uploaded to begin processing, then an error message will be displayed.

Next, the system will create a record in the history section below. The record will show the status of "In Process".

  • You can refresh the status by clicking on the Refresh button:

If the processing of the file is completed successfully, then the file will show a "RATES LOADED" status in the record history section.

Dealing with Errors

If there was an error in the spreadsheet, then the file will show a "LOADING FAILED" status in the record history section.

Click on the "Click to see details" link to view the errors:

The errors in the spreadsheet will be displayed. The Field column will display the field/column in the spreadsheet that has an error. The Unexpected Value column will show the value for the field that has an error. The Affected Rows column will show each row that is affected with this error.

Please note there can be multiple pages of errors. You can scroll through pages using page navigation at the bottom of the page.


If there are any errors in the spreadsheet, the entire sheet will not load. You must correct all errors before the spreadsheet will be loaded.


Larger files may take a few minutes to upload. Once the upload proces starts, the system will place a record in the History section showing that the upload is processing:

You can refresh the status of the upload by pressing the Refresh button:

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