Release Notes
Dates: 03/11/2024 - 03/25/2024
Feature 1 - Customer Portal integration with Freight product
The Customer Portal will be fully integrated with Freight in this release. All major portal features will be compatible with Freight including:
- Quotes
- Shipment Status
- LCL Schedules
- Booking Requests
- Document uploads and access
The following portal features are not yet implemented in Freight:
- Customer sending notes to operations staff
- Ability to restrict document visibility on portal
Jira Tickets: LW-1835
Status: Released
Feature 2 - FCL Goods enhancements
In this release FCL goods will be modified to support the following features:
- Ability to upload spreadsheet of container details into FCL Goods
- Print total weight, volume, package quantity at the bottom of the FCL goods section
Jira Tickets: LW-1958, 1906, 1943, 2184
Status: Totals completed, Spreadsheet upload moved to Sprint 5
Feature 3 - Save booking filters and export results to spreadsheet
Users can name and save filters for repeated use. Filters can be saved at the Organization or user level. Search results can be exported to Excel.
Jira Tickets: LW-1959, 2158, 2140
Status: Export completed, Save filters moved to Sprint 5
Feature 4 - Add validation for voyage cutoff dates
. The following validations will be added to the Booking Voyage Dates section:
- ETD must be greater than cutoff dates.
- ETA should be greater than ETD.
Also HAZ cutoff date will be added and the order of cutoff dates will be:
WH, Rail, Doc, HAZ, VGM, Vehicle, Port
Jira Tickets: LW-2031, 2028, 2160
Status: Released
Feature 5 - Goods Clauses feature
Users can set up Goods clauses that can be used in the Package Goods Description section.
Jira Tickets: LW-2161, 2162
Status: Moved to Sprint 5
Feature 6 - Display additional Party content in booking
.Some additional features of a Party are displayed in the Party tile in the booking screen:
- Credit Status
- POA - indicates a Power of Attorney document is on file an not expired
- Special remarks for the party
- Additional ID’s for the party
Jira Tickets: LW-1992, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2090, 2092, 2094, 2164
Status: Released
Feature 7 - Allow Shipment option configuration
Users can add custom shipment options to the booking in the Shipment Type section.
Jira Tickets: LW-2000, 2172
Status: Released
Feature 8 - Add custom fields to quote
Ability to add custom fields to the Quote.
Jira Tickets: LW-2171
Status: Released
Feature 9 - Manually add transit times
USer can manually add transit times to a quote or booking or modify the transit times retrieved from rates.
Jira Tickets: LW-1990
Status: Released
Feature 10 - INTTRA VGM integration with Freight
.Integration of Freight to INTTRA for sending VGM filings electronically with the carriers.
Jira Tickets: LW-2176
Status: Released
Feature 11 - Support multiple pickup plans
Ability to add additional pickup plans to accommodate multiple truckers, pickup, load, and return locations.
Jira Tickets: LW-2021
Status: Moved to Sprint 5 (Backend completed, UI pending)
Feature 12 - Invoice and Bill status visibility
Display invoice and bill status at the invoice, bill, booking, and booking search levels.
Jira Tickets: LW-1927, 1940, 1928, 1941
Status: Released
Feature 13 - Freight Release Logic
System will perform validation of credit and payment status, and allow the user to input release information and release freight.
Jira Tickets: LW-1865, 1934
Status: Moved to Sprint 5 (Backend completed, UI pending)
Feature 14 - Automation features
Automation features for this release include:
- Automatic notifications when booking voyage data is changed.
- Automatic comments added to quote or booking based on Shipment Type, Route, Client, Commodity, and Carrier.
- Automatic add charges based on Shipment Type, BL Release, Client, Container Type, Route, and Parties.
- Automatically default Commodity and Shipment Options for certain parties.
Jira Tickets: LW-2101
Status: Moved to Sprint 5
Feature 15 - Document template
Users will be able to create Document Templates from Microsoft Word documents and embed field variables into the templates.
Jira Tickets: LW-1689
Status: Moved to Sprint 5