
Release Notes 

Dates: 03/28/2024 - 04/12/2024


Feature 1 - Canadian manifest integration (Backend only - UI in Sprint 6)

Add ability to send import details to Canadian Customs via EDI integration.

Jira: LW-2268, 2280, 2281, 2284, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2288 

Status: Back-end completed (UI will be deployed in Sprint 6)


Feature 2  - Booking search screen enhancement

Ability to save search filters per user.  Also added references to columns and filters.

Jira: LW-2017, 2261, 2321

Status: Released


Feature 3 -  Display container selection in order

Change order of container display so that 20 ft container types will display above 40 ft, followed by 45 ft, etc.. so that the user can more easily find the container they are looking to select.

Jira: LW-2023

Status: Released


Feature 4 - Notes are not saving

Fix bug where notes are not saving to the booking.

Jira: LW-2266

Status: Not Released, Moved to Sprint 6


Feature 5 - Sequence number configuration

Ability to configure the sequence number format for the Booking # and other reference numbers (PO#, Commercial Invoice #, etc.).

Jira: LW-1948, 1909, 2270, 1949, 1950

Status: Backend completed, UI will be completed in Sprint 6


Feature 6 - Common References Enhancements

The following enhancements are being made to the Common References function:

  • Create a type indicator for Documents in the common references list.  Documents can be identified as a Document Type or an Upload Category.  This allows the user to create both new document types and new upload categories.

Jira: LW-1972, 2282

Status: Released


Feature 7 - Add predefined Clauses

Add predefined clauses for use in Document comments and also in Goods descriptions.

Jira: LW-2034, 2289, 2290, 2161

Status: Released


Feature 8 - Add commodity default configuration to Customer Portal

Add a default setting at the sub-Organization level for the Customer Portal to default the Commodity filter to a certain value (example: FAK).  The portal user can then change the filter if needed.

Jira: LW-2106

Status: Moved to Backlog (not sure this is needed)


Feature 9 - Consolidation: display house bookings in master booking Goods/Container section

The Master FCL (Consolidated) Booking container will display the list of House LCL Bookings that have been loaded to the container from the Load Guide screen.

Jira: LW-1568, 1882

Status: Released


Feature 10 - Add IMS truck portal integration

Add the IMS truck portal as an option to include IMS truck rates with Get Rates.

Jira: LW-2273

Status: Backend Integration completed (There is a related ticket in Sprint 6 to add rates into Get Rates: LW-2369)


Feature 11 - Consolidation - Show voyage profit

  • Show profit by voyage, container, and house bookings in voyage
  • Show allocated container charges and costs in LCL house bookings.

Jira: LW-1875,1776,1562,1563,1569

Status: Backend completed (UI is assigned to Sprint 6)


Feature 12 - Party changes

Add a configuration setting to display Master parties as primary for Forwarders and House parties as primary for NVOCC’s.

Also add the ability to tab from one party to the next.

Change sort order of Party search so that parties starting with the letters entered appear at the top of the list.

Jira: LW-2283, 2309, 2310

Status: Tabbing and sort order completed, configuration of parties, (design completed), moved to Sprint 6


Feature 13 - Change shipment view based on SubOrganization

Change the view of a shipment based on the SubOrganization of the user, view as export or import, etc..

Jira: LW-2291 thru 2301

Status: Released


Feature 14 - Air add column for Volumetric and Chargeable weight

Add volumetric and chargeable weight to packages and commodities in Air goods.

Jira: LW-733

Status: Released


Feature 15 - Add CHGS code for Air shipments

Add CHGS code for Air shipments to print on the Air Waybill.

Jira: LW-737, 1889

Status: Released


Feature 16 - Add Airport Stop offs for Air routes

Add stop-offs to routes for air shipments.

Jira: LW-732, 1916

Status: Released


Feature 18 - Add block of numbers for carrier MAWB’s.

Add blocks of numbers to carrier party maintenance for MAWB numbers.

Jira: LW-741, 2306, 2307, 2308

Status: Released


Feature 19 - Automation features

Automation features for this release include:

  • Automatic notifications when booking voyage data is changed.
  • Automatic comments added to quote or booking based on Shipment Type, Route, Client, Commodity, and Carrier.
  • Automatic add charges based on Shipment Type, BL Release, Client, Container Type, Route, and Parties.
  • Automatically default Commodity and Shipment Options for certain parties.

Jira Tickets: LW-2101

Status: Not Released, moved to Sprint 6


Feature 20 - Document template 

Users will be able to create Document Templates from Microsoft Word documents and embed field variables into the templates. 

Jira: LW-1689

Status: Partially released (enhancing in Sprint 6)


Feature 21 - QuickBooks Integration 

Add self-service setup capabilities for the user to set up QuickBooks integration on their own. 

Jira: LW-1747,1746,1763, 1761

Status: Not Released, moved to Sprint 6 (only Mapping needed)


Feature 22 - BL Release 

Add BL Release function to Booking screen. 

Jira: LW-1865,1934

Status: Released


Feature 23  - Upload spreadsheet of container details into FCL Goods

Users can upload a list of containers and package details into the booking from a spreadsheet.

Jira Tickets: LW-1958, 1906

Status: Released


Feature 24 - AMS configuration and setup 

Add self-service and setup capability for users to be able to configure and set up AMS integration themselves.

Added MBL number length validation to AMS screen.

Jira: LW-2075, 2325, 2326

Status: AMS configuration was completed, MBL length validation was moved to backlog.


Feature 25 - Add comment fields to Upload documents function 

Add a comments field for the user to add when uploading a document and display that comment on the document tile.

Jira: LW-2313

Status: Released


Feature 26 -  Add date type and range filters to Booking listing screen

Allow users to search bookings by any date type and range.  

Jira: LW-1959, 2260

Status: Released


Feature 27 - Support multiple pickup plans 

Ability to add additional pickup plans to accommodate multiple truckers, pickup, load, and return locations.  

Jira Tickets: LW-2021

Status: Redesign needed (based on feedback from Germany)


Feature 28 -  Add additional options for Required fields

Add Incoterms and shipper as options for required field configuration.  

Jira: LW-2315, 2320

Status: Released


Feature 29 -  Add Billing section to Bookings

  • Add a Billing sub-section to the Shipment type section of the booking, where the user can select a default prepaid or collect and the Bill To Party for the booking.
  • Add party fields to both charges and costs.  This will allow the system to default bill to party at the charge level and vendor at the cost level.  It also allows automation to automatically create invoices and bills based on status and other actions. 

Jira: LW-1971,2316, 2008, 2318, 1979, 2262, 2317

Status: Released


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