
Release Notes 

Dates: 05/10/2024 - 05/31/2024


Feature 1 - Canadian manifest integration

Add ability to send import details to Canadian Customs via EDI integration.

Jira: LW-2268, 2280, 2281, 2284, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2288 

Status: Released

Note: LW-2288 is still pending (waiting on feedback from e-freight to display history of transmissions)


Feature 2 - Add additional fields to Booking Search Filters

  • Add all pickup and delivery plan dates to the booking search filters and columns.
  • Add the booking total charges, costs and profit to columns. 

Jira: LW-2370, 2371, 2520, 2521, 2528

Status: Released


Feature 3 - Support multiple pickup plans 

Ability to add additional pickup plans to accommodate multiple truckers, pickup, load, and return locations.  

Jira Tickets: LW-2021

Status: Released


Feature 4 - QuickBooks Integration 

Add self-service setup capabilities for the user to set up QuickBooks integration on their own. 

Jira: LW-1747,1746,1763, 1761

Status: Pending


Feature 5 - Notes are not saving

Fix bug where notes are not saving to the booking.

Jira: LW-2266

Status: Pending


Feature 6 - Charges/Costs automatic recalculation

Automatically recalculate the charges and costs if the goods quantity, weight or measures are changed.

Jira: LW-2410, 2434

Status: Pending (UI)


Feature 7- Move Release button to Warehouse section of Booking. Also added a new Inventory Status at the top of the booking

Moved the Release button that was located at the bottom of the booking screen into the warehouse section since this is a warehouse function.  A new status section has also been created at the top of the booking screen.  The Released status will now display in this section. 

Jira: LW-2414, 2431, 2428

Status: Released


Feature 8 - Display QuickBooks payments in Logiware Booking Invoices and Bills

Added integration of QB payments in Logiware invoices.  A button has been added to the invoice and bill sections to display the payment details that have been received or paid by QB (including payment reference, payment date, payment amount).

Jira: LW-2357

Status: Released


Feature 9 - Added weight and volume capacity for Unit Types.

Added the weight and volume capacities for unit types (ocean containers and air ULDs).  This will enable the percent full indicators to display in the loading process.

Jira: LW-1802, 2427, 1803, 1804, 1805

Status: Released


Feature 10 - Air - Add additional fields for value of goods to accommodate value for customs and carriage.

Added additional field for value of goods to be used for air shipments, so that a separate value can be entered for carriage and customs..

Jira: LW-740, 2454

Status: Released


Feature 11 - Document Template feature

Introduced the Document Template feature that allows users to use any Word or Google Document and map fields directly into the document.

Jira: LW-1689

Status: Released


Feature 12 - Added Infor/GT Nexus Shipping Instructions to integrations

Added the ability to send shipping instructions from Logiware bookings to the Infor/GT Nexus carrier network.

Jira: LW-2417, 2473, 2474, 2475, 2495, 2496, 2497

Status: Released


Feature 13 - Added eAWB to integrations

Added eAWB to integrations to send MAWB’s electronically to airlines via the GLS network.

Jira: LW-2267, 2278, 2279, 2456, 2460, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2466, 2467, 2468

Status: Released


Feature 14 - For FCL Master Consolidation Bookings, added the ability to specify the container for charges and costs

Added a container selection in the charges and costs sections to identify the container for consolidation master bookings.

Jira: LW-2439, 2440, 2442, 2443 

Status: Released


Feature 15 - Carrier Voyage Integrations

We have added direct carrier integrations for Maersk, MSC, CMA/CGM, and Hapag Lloyd to display the voyage listings.  When a user enters one of these carriers, the voyage list will display based on the POL/POD entered.  If the user selects a voyage, then the voyage cutoffs, dates, and equipment pickup details will be loaded into the booking.

Jira: LW-2441, LW-2476

Status: Released


Feature 16 - Add Infor/GT Nexus Container Status (315) Integration. 

Added 315 container status integration from GT Nexus to Logiware.

Jira: LW-2419

Status: Released


Feature 17 - Update Map to accommodate multiple pickup plans  

Modified the map to display multiple pickup/loading locations.

Jira: LW-2458

Status: Released


Feature 18 -  Automatic update of ETD and ETA changes by INTTRA

In this Sprint, if the ETD or ETA changes in a container status (315) update from the carrier sent by INTTRA, the system will automatically update the dates.

Jira: LW-2415

Status: Released


Bug Fix 19 - INTTRA Package and SCAC code required field bug.

Even after entering the package description and SCAC code, the system is still prompting for the user to enter the fields as required fields.  This has been fixed.

Jira: LW-2470

Status: Released


Feature 20 -  Added Terminal 49 integration.

Terminal 49 provides port terminal status of containers globally including gate movements, vessel departure and arrival, and some rail status.

Jira: LW-2480, 2481, 2482

Status: Released


Feature 21 - Integration of Pre Advice and warehouse receipts between Freight and CFS modules. 

Added the ability to send pre Advice transactions from the Freight module to the CFS module and warehouse receipts from the CFS module back to the freight module in real-time.

Jira: LW-2484, 2485, 2529, 2530, 2531, 2532, 2536, 2537

Status: Released


Feature 22 - Modified date validation for ETA (POD) and ETA (PLOD). 

Previously the ETA at PLOD was required to be greater than the ETA at POL.  This validation has been changed to allow the two dates to also be equal.

Jira: LW-2498

Status: Released


Feature 23 - Add hyperlinks to booking numbers 

Added hyperlinks to booking numbers throughout the system to allow the user to click on the Booking Number and navigate to the booking screen (This includes master and house bookings).

Jira: LW-2499, 2500, 2519

Status: Released


Feature 24 - Prefill Bill To Party and Vendor when creating a freight invoice or bill. 

The system will now automatically prefill the Bill To Party from the charges into the Freight Invoice and also prefill the Vendor from the costs into the Bill when the user is creating an invoice or bill.

Jira: LW-2517, 2518

Status: Released


Feature 25 - Added documents for consolidation 

Added document templates for the following documents for consolidation:

  • Warehouse Receipt
  • Load Guide

Added functions to create and preview documents in the application. 

Jira: LW-2533, 2534, 2535

Status: Released


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