Create Parties Manually

In this Article

This article will explain how parties can be individually created in Logiware.


A Party is an essential entity used in Logiware. It is an umbrella term that refers to a wide variety of roles, such as customers, vendors, shippers, carriers, agents, rail ramps, warehouses, port terminals, etc.

Creating a New Party is like bringing an important stakeholder to the platform.

Functional Flow

From the application selector on the top right of your screen, navigate to Control Panel > Parties

View existing Parties by using appropriate filters and using the Search button. To create a New Party, select Create Party in the upper right corner.

To create a new party on the Logiware, provide the requested information in every section as shown below.

Create Party

  1. Overview

  • Party Details

These include unique information belonging to the party being created.

Field Description
Name Enter the unique Name of the party.
Account Number A unique Account Number will be auto-generated for the party.
Account Type This field denotes the Account Type of the party, say, Shipper, Consignee, etc. Select multiple types based on your needs.
Tax Id Type Enter the Tax ID type of the party.
Tax Id Value Enter the unique Tax ID value of the party.
  • Additional Account Ids

This field specifies if there are any additional Accounts Ids existing in Logiware which shall be linked to the new party.

Click on +Add Account Id to specify the kind of Account ID you would like to add. Click on OK to add.

  • Account Type

Choose the Account Type for the party being created here.

In case of a sub-account, specify the master account to which this shall be linked, as shown.

  • Address Details

Type in the address details of the party being created along with the contact information.

  1. Organization

In this section, select the Associated Users to continue.

Select multiple users and specify the Shipment Type, Shipment Direction and Select User Type.

  1. Financial

  • Payment Terms

This sub-section specifies the details of payment involved.

AR Payment Terms This field indicates the period post when the payment of outstanding invoices will be due.
AP Payment Terms This field indicates the period post when the payment of outstanding bills will be due.
Prepaid/Collect This field indicates the mode of payment to be made by the party.
Credit Status This field indicates the credit status to be assigned to the party.

  • Credit Limits

This sub-section limits the accessibility of the party to the sub-offices. Toggle on and off to update and control the status.

  • Rates

Select the Pricing Names for the party being created here.

  1. Warehouse

  • Pallet Type

Pallet refers to a platform with or without sides on which packages may be loaded to ease handling. This field specifies the need for pallets or not by the customer.

  • Free Days

Free days are the number of days, ranging from 4 to 6 which are states free of cost for the stakeholders to move goods in and out of the warehouse.

Choose the function type and enter the number of days as shown. There is a provision to Add new or Delete Free Days configuration.

  • Integration

This field provides for warehouse integration, using one of the following available formats.

Click on Create Party to complete the process.

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