Uploading Parties Using a Spreadsheet Template

In this Article

This article will provide an insight on creating Parties in Logiware using a Spreadsheet.


A party is any entity that has an address. This includes customers, vendors, shippers, carriers, agents, rail ramps, warehouses, port terminals, etc.

Parties can be simply imported into Logiware using a spreadsheet.


To create a sample Party Spreadsheet and enable its upload, follow the template provided here.


Enter your Party details into the spreadsheet template under separate Columns as shown.

Export/download the spreadsheet to your computer as a .xlx or .xls file for further upload into Logiware.

Functional Flow

Click on the Application selector > Control Panel > Parties

To upload parties contained in the spreadsheet, select the upload icon.

Select the spreadsheet you want to upload. It must be a .xls or .xlx file type.

Press the OPEN button. The upload will start with this click. The system will display a successful message or an error as shown below.

Upon successful upload, the newly inserted Parties may be seen in the Logiware.

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