Booking and Dispatching a Truck Order
In This Article
This article will explain how to Book/Dispatch a Truck Order using a Truck Portal Integration.
What is a Truck Portal?
A Truck Portal is truck broker that works with multiple truck carriers to collect and maintain their truck rates and make them available through a portal, API, or EDI interface. Logiware is integrated with several portals to provide you with multiple options for obtaining truck rates.
Is there an extra charge for using Truck Portals?
Logiware does not charge you for using truck portals, but the Truck Portal will usually require you to purchase a subscription from them. This will need to be established between you antd them.
How can you get Truck Rates in Logiware?
When you activate one of the Truck portal integrations in Logiware (such as PRIMUS), then Logiware will automatically include truck rates in your GET RATES function when you enter a pickup or delivery location.
What is a Truck Booking/Dispatch Order?
Before you can make a booking/dispatch with a truck carrier, you must first obtain a quote or rate from the truck portal. A truck booking/dispatch means you have made a booking with the truck carrier and approved the trucker to commence/dispatch the shipment. This can be done directly from Logiware for certain truckers.
Do all Truck Portals and Truck Carriers offer electronic Booking/Dispatch?
Some Truck Portals offer electronic Booking/Dispatch and some do not. Also within a Truck Portal, not all truck carriers will offer booking/dispatch. The button to Book/Dispatch will not appear if the portal or trucker does not support the function.
When a Booking/Dispatch is made are the BOL and label documents returned from the truck carrier?
For some Truck Portals, the Bill of Lading and labels are sent from the carrier to Logiware when the Booking/Dipatch is made.
Before you can Book/Dispatch a Truck order, you must first do the following steps as a pre-requisite:
- Activate a Truck Portal integration (from the Control panel > Integrations page).
- Create or edit a booking (the function can only be performed from within a booking).
- Select a rate that includes a truck rate quote. You can do this using the GET RATES function.
From inside a Booking, Locate the Route section, and Click on the three dots icon to open the Pickup Drawer:
If you have already selected a truck rate (using the GET RATES function in the Rates section, then you will see the Trucker Name, Trucker Broker, and Quote Number already pre-filled in the page:
- Before you can Book/Dispatch the Truck Order, the following fields must be entered:
- Trucker Name - Name of the Trucker (This will pre-fill from the selected rate).
- Trucker Broker - Name of the truck broker (This will pre-fill from the selected rate).
- Quote Number - The quote number from the truck carrier (This will pre-fill from the selected rate).
- Pickup
- Name - Name of the Company to pick up the goods from.
- Address - Address where the goods will be picked up from.
- Contact Name - Name of the person to contact at the pickup location.
- Contact Email - Email of the person to contact at the pickup location.
- Contact Phone - Phone number of the person to contact at the pickup location.
- Earliest Pickup Date - The earliest date the pickup can occur.
- Hours - The hours (from and to) that the goods can be picked up.
- Delivery
- Name - Name of the Company to deliver the goods to.
- Address - Address where the goods will be delivered to.
- Contact Name - Name of the person to contact at the delivery location.
- Contact Email - Email of the person to contact at the delivery location.
- Contact Phone - Phone number of the person to contact at the delivery location.
- Earliest Pickup Date - The earliest date the delivery can occur.
- Hours - The hours (from and to) that the goods can be delivered.
- Once you have entered all of the required fields, press the Booking/Dispatch button.
- When the Booking/Dispatch completes, it will return the BOL ID and BOL Number from the Truck Carrier:
- The BOL Document and Labels will be loaded into the Documents section automatically: