Adding Packages to an LCL (Less than container load) Booking

In this Article

You will learn how to add Packages to an LCL (Less than container load) Booking.



To add a Package to an LCL Booking, you must first create or edit an LCL Booking.

Once in the LCL Booking, locate the Goods section.


Viewing Booked versus Received Goods


Booked Goods are the goods that are specified in the booking to be shipped by the customer.

Received Goods are the goods that are actually received at the CFS warehouse. There are more details about the received goods in the Warehouse section of the booking. These details include:

  • Warehouse name, location, date, and time where the goods were received
  • Quantity of packages, DIMS, weight, volume
  • Warehouse receipt #'s, documents, and pictures

If you are using the Logiware CFS module, then the received goods will automatically appear in the booking screen from the CFS system as they are received at the warehouse.

Logiware also has integrations with warehouses operated by Saint George Logistics and warehouses that use the Magaya system. These warehouses can electronically send warehouse receipts to Logiware as goods are received.

At the top of the LCL Goods section, there is a summary of the booked versus received goods:

The summary will display the booked versus received:

  • Quantity of Packages
  • Weight in pounds and kilograms
  • Volume in cubic meters and cubic feet
  • Dead Space in cubuc meters and cubic feet

There is a circle with a percentage that indicates the percentage of the Booked goods that have been received at the warehouse. If the percentage is 50%, it indicates only half of the booked goods have been received. If the percentage is 120%, it indicates the received goods exceeds what was booked by 20%.

Entering Package Details

Packages can be etnered into the Packages area of the Goods section highlighted below:

  • Enter the Package details into the fields of the Goods section:
    • Description - Enter free text to describe the type of goods in the shipment. The box will epand to accomodate multiple lines as you type.
    • Package Type - select the type of Package from the drop-down list.
    • Pieces (Package Qty) - The quantity or number of packages/pieces.
    • Weight per Piece - The weight of the goods per package/piece.
    • Length per Piece - The length of the goods per package/piece.
    • Width per Piece - The width of the goods per package/piece.
    • Height per Piece - The height of the goods per package/piece.
    • Weight KGS - Weight of the goods in kilograms.
    • Weight LBS - Weight of the goods in pounds.
    • Volume CBM - Volume of the goods in cubic meters.
    • Volume CFT - Volume of the goods in cubic feet.
    • Marks - Enter details of any marks (Symbols or text) on the packages.
  • Select the Unit of Measure for the Weight, Length, Width, and Height per Piece by selecting the unit of measure from the drop down list to the right of each field:

  • Mark the Package line item as Hazardous, NonStackable, or Bonded by checking the checkbox:

  • You can add additional Package/Goods line items by clicking on the Add Goods Item button.

  • Delete Package lines by clikcing on the Delete (Trash can) icon.

Adding Additional Package Details

  • To view the Additional Package Details Panel, click on the Additional Fields Icon:

  • This will open a new pop-up page with additional package fields:

  • Click the Add button to add an HS (Harmonized Schedule) or an HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) Commodity Code
    • Enter the Commodity Code or Description and the system will show matching entries for you to select. You can search for HS and HTS codes by number or description.
    • Logiware has a direct connection to US Customs to select commodity codes, so the system is always up to date.
    • You can add multiple commodity codes per package line item.


  • The HS Code was created by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to standardize the definition of commodities in international trade. It is a 6 digit code used by all countries.
  • The HTS Code was created by the USA as a means of further classifying some commodities into a more detailed definition. It retains the 6 digits from the HS Code and extends to it by adding an additional 4 digits.
  • Exports from the USA and Imports into the USA require an HTS code.

Adding Hazardous details

  • To add Hazardous Details, click on the Hazardous checkbox and the Additional Fields Icon on the package row:

This will open the Additional Package Details Panel with the Hazardous fields as shown below:

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